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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes JOINTLY WITH PUBLIC SAFETY & SECURITY COMMITTEE

May 29, 2007

Committee Members In Attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Kenneth Jenkins, Ursula LaMotte, and Lois Bronz.

In Attendance: DOH: Dr. Joshua Lipsman, Patsy Yang-Lewis, Renee Recchia BOL: Legislator Pinto, Joanne Sold, Neal Rentz, Rick Pezzullo, Betsy DeSoye and Melanie Montalto. Guests: Melissa Klein, the Journal News.

Items Discussed: Update on expanding HIV/AIDS testing program; presentation on the health status of the County by region.


Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 10:35 a.m.

Dr. Joshua Lipsman, Commissioner of the Department of Health, gave an update and outline on how the additional HIV/AIDS funding will be spent. As a result of an RFP from earlier this year, $15,000 will be given to both the Medical Center and the Mount Vernon Neighborhood Health Center to expand their existing testing programs. The rest of the money will be used for an advertising campaign and testing at local events. A copy of the budget and social awareness campaign is on file and available for review.

The Board of Legislators added $100,000 to the 2007 budget for HIV/AIDS funding. A total of $28, 175 will be spent on hiring a health investigator to conduct testing for 6 months and three summer works to distribute materials and work summer events to advertise and recruit people for testing. In addition to the $30,000 that will be given to the Medical Center and the Mount Vernon Neighborhood Health Center, $41, 825 will be spent on bus posters, postcards, test kits, advertising, and other personnel costs to conduct the awareness campaign.

The Committee members offered to include information from the awareness campaign in their district newsletters.

Renee Recchia of the Department of Health gave a PowerPoint presentation entitled “Health Status of Westchester County Residents.” A copy of the presentation is on file and available for review.

Moved by Legislator Jenkins and seconded by Legislator Burton the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 11:55 a.m.

A complete audio recording of the meeting is available for review upon request.

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