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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

March 7, 2006

Committee Members in attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Clinton Young, Ursula LaMotte, Lois Bronz, and Andrea Stewart-Cousins.

In Attendance: CEO: Bill Randolph, Kevin Ryan, Andrew Neuman BOL: Louise Gantress, Betsy DeSoye Guests: Laurie Nikolski, The Journal News, Karen DePodwin, RNN, Shawn Cohen, The Journal News, David Byrnes, John Norton, Karen Pecora, CSEA, Noel De La Cruz, CSEA, Marquerite Flanagan, Maureen Flores, Cora Greenburgh, Fernando Santos, Gloria Evans, Latifa Williams.

Items Discussed: Kevin Mahon, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, and first Deputy Commissioner Nancy Travers, spoke to the Committee regarding CPS investigations, Differential Response Pilot, Collaboration with other County departments, and new initiatives.


Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 12:09 p.m.

Legislators Rogowsky and Abinanti were unable to attend this meeting due to a NACO conference in Washington, D.C.

Moved by Legislator Burton, pending an update of the last paragraph, and seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the minutes from February 28, 2006 passed 5-0.

Kevin Mahon, the Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, and 1st Deputy Commissioner Nancy Travers presented the Committee with a written response to the questions that were submitted to them by the Committee previously. A copy of the response is on file.

Commissioner Mahon and Deputy Commissioner Travers went through the questions and the Department’s answers with the Committee.

While discussing the Quality Assurance Team, the Committee expressed a their concern over the fact that there is no Child Services Advocate for the Department. The Committee feels there should be an office dedicated to Advocacy for the children as they move through the system, and to ensure that they are receiving services when they are no longer under the care of DSS. Commissioner Mahon agreed to the idea, and would like to work with the Committee on developing such an office.

Commissioner Mahon also informed the Committee that New York State is currently working to implement an area in the computer system for CPS workers to keep a list of visits that they were able to make, and visits that were missed to families in their caseload.

Commissioner Mahon further explained that the Department will be doing random periodic follow up calls to the families to ensure that the visits are taking place.

Commissioner Mahon stated that Public Safety is going to send a detective, or a retired detective, to work with CPS workers and train them to investigate their cases better. The detective will teach the caseworkers how to get the families to disclose information that they would be reluctant to share.

Commissioner Mahon informed the Committee that there will be significant organizational changes in Child Welfare, and he will share those changes with the Committee in a couple of weeks.

While discussing the Differential Response Pilot, Commissioner Mahon stated that there is a need for state and federal changes. The Department would like to make changes in their Dual Track system, but have not been able to due to their need for new legislation.

A discussion ensued regarding the lack of communication between the state systems used by DSS, and the need for regulated communication between DSS and schools, County departments, and local organizations that the families are a part of. Commissioner Mahon agreed that communication between the systems is a problem that requires much work to fix, but he does think it is doable.

Deputy Commissioner Travers discussed substance abuse and the CASACS with the Committee. She stated that DSS is looking to expand their services with the Department of Community Mental Health.

The Discussion with Commissioner Mahon and Deputy Commissioner Travers ended, and Legislator LaMotte shared an article regarding the homeless with the Committee.

The Committee discussed its next steps regarding DSS, and future meetings.

Moved by Legislator Burton and seconded by Legislator LaMotte the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 2:04 p.m.

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