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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

March 6, 2007

Committee Members In Attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Kenneth Jenkins.

In Attendance: CEO: Bill Randolph. Office for Women: Camille Murphy. DOH: Ada Huang. BOL: Joanne Sold, Susan Kirkpatrick and Melanie Montalto.

Items Discussed: Camille Murphy provided an overview of the Office for Women and Ada Huang discussed agenda items 39-41.


Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

Legislators Young, Rogowsky and Abinanti were not in attendance because they were at NACO.

Camille Murphy, Director of the Office for Women provided folders containing information about her office. A copy of this information is on file for review.

Camille Murphy explained that the Office for Women was started in 1980. It is a public policy and advocacy office. The office has a focus on domestic violence and also has women’s health programs including an HIV initiative. They work on safety at work, elder law, helping women gain employment, women with special needs, and Hispanic women’s needs.

Camille Murphy told the Committee that the Office for Women is spearheading the pilot program for the state to train the supervisors of children with supervised visitation from abusive parents. The training is approximately 2 hours and is done by the YWCA in White Plains and Yonkers.

One of the Office’s big initiatives this year is the Abandoned Baby program where mothers of unwanted babies can anonymously leave their baby at a safe haven that will take care of the baby.

The Office for Women has a staff of 8 people at 112 East Post Road.

The Domestic Violence Council report which is issued every other year is due to be out this May, 2007.

Camille Murphy discussed the Office for Women’s agency contracts that they monitor. She provided a list of all of the contracts including dollar amount given to the Committee. This list is on file and available for review.

Legislator Burton asked about the displaced widow and homemaker program that is run out of Westchester Community College. He is hearing that the State may take this issue up on its own and his concern is that it will disappear on a County level. Camille did not think that would be an issue because the need is so great for displaced homemakers to get back in the workforce.

Camille Murphy told the Committee that they are working on another important initiative which allows electronic orders of protection to domestic violence victims, which allows victims to get their orders faster, without going to court to and being face to face with their attacker.

A discussion ensued about the budgeting process in regard to Legislative adds that were made to the Office for Women for agency contracts that later caused some confusion regarding RFP’s.

Legislator Jenkins asked if the Office has any preventative programs for women. Camille Murphy explained that the office does a lot of prevention and education work, and preventative information can be found in the packet she has provided.

Ada Huang of the Department of Health discussed agenda items 39-41 with the Committee. These items are three separate agreements for funding to the Department of Health for tuberculosis related services, late stage syphilis patient services, and for emergency room services that are referred to the DOH. A discussion ensued about tuberculosis treatment with the Committee.

Due to a lack of a voting quorum Chairwoman Myers asked that the Committee meet jointly with the Committee on Budget and Appropriations on Monday March 12th to sign these items out together.

Moved by Legislator Burton and seconded by Legislator Jenkins the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 11:30.

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