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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes JOINTLY WITH BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE

June 6, 2006

Committee Members in attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Clinton Young, Ursula LaMotte, Martin Rogowsky, Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Lois Bronz. Budget & Appropriations members: Michael Kaplowitz, Chair, William Burton, Ursula LaMotte, Vito Pinto, Martin Rogowsky, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and Suzanne Swanson.

In Attendance: BOL: Louise Gantress, Betsy DeSoye, and Sunday Vanderberg.CEO: Andrew Neuman and William Randolph and Julianne Jaquith. DSS: Jewru Bandeh, John Befus, Katherine Walushka. Budget: Kate Carrano, and James Arnett. Guests: Kathy Halas and Trudy Kewly of the Child Care Council.

Items Discussed: Final proposal by the Child Care Council for a County funded Scholarship program.


Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

Kathy Halas, Director of the Child Care Council, went over the changes made from the first proposal given to the Committee on May 9th. The changes were made to address the concerns that the Committees voiced on May 9th, and the concerns of the Administration and the Department of Social Services. The Child Care Council worked closely with DSS to come to an agreement on this final proposal. Both proposals are on file and available for review.

Legislator Swanson expressed her displeasure that the Child Care Council will only be allowed to use $250,000 for the scholarship. A discussion ensued explaining that this amount is for a trial period as the scholarship is new and it has not yet been determined how great the need for this scholarship is.

The Child Care Council went through the examples they had prepared to show how the awards will be determined for each family. They informed the Committee that people already utilizing child care agencies will be able to apply for the scholarship.

Legislator Rogowsky asked how it will be verified that the family is registered for child care. Kathy Halas explained that an agreement form will be sent to the agency, and they must notify the Child Care Council of registration, and if a child terminates services.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked the Committee be given the number of applications that were received for the scholarship as well as how many were eligible once the awards have been determined. The Child Care Council agreed to provide those numbers to the Committees.

Legislator Young asked how the program will be monitored by the County. The Department of Social Service will perform their standard audit of the program, as they do with all of the programs they have contracts with.

Legislator Kaplowitz asked what the Committees can do to help the Child Care Council. Kathy Halas asked that the Committees help publicize the scholarship program to their constituents. Legislator Myers stated that the program will be posted on the Board’s websites, and asked any Legislators who have not completed their newsletters to include the scholarship information as it will be mailed to everyone in their districts.

Moved by Legislator Stewart-Cousins and seconded by Legislator Burton the minutes from May 23rd, 2006 passed 7-0.

Moved by Legislator Young and seconded by Legislator Bronz the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Moved by Legislator Swanson and seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the Committee on Budget and Appropriations adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

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