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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

June 27, 2006

Committee Members in attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Martin Rogowsky, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and Thomas Abinanti.

In Attendance: BOL: Louise Gantress, Marissa, Vira.CEO: William Randolph; Health: Dr. Joshua Lipsman

Items Discussed: Dr. Joshua Lipsman discussed Agenda item #’s 12 & 20.


Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 10:50 a.m.

Moved by Legislator Burton and seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the minutes from June 6, 2006 passed 4-0.

Dr. Lipsman, Commissioner of the County Health Department, gave a brief explanation of Agenda item #12, Health Department Functions: a booklet entitled “Operational Definition of a Functional Local Health Department” from the National Association of County & City Health Officials. He explained that nationally, health departments are not accredited so there are no set standards. He said our health department is ranked in the 80th or 90th percentile in the nation in terms of size and services provided. NACCHO is working on developing national standards so health departments can be accredited soon.

Dr. Lipsman explained that the County Health Department is already doing the ten suggestions made by the NACCHO report.

A discussion ensued regarding the goals of the Health Department moving forward. Dr. Lipsman noted that Health Department the staff is working to help people find the services they need; they are no longer providing the services themselves.

The Committee asked Commissioner Lipsman what role the Department of Health plays in the County hospital system. Dr. Lipsman explained that the State regulates all of the hospitals, but the County works with the hospitals to prevent the spread of disease. We also work with the School of Public Health and New York Medical College to provide their students with experience in the Health Department.

Dr. Lipsman explained to the Committee that out of the Department’s 150 million dollar budget, only about 30 million dollars are spent on the issues addressed in the NACCHO report. This is because the rest of the budget, 120 million dollars, is spent mostly on children with special needs. This amount is mandated by the State and Federal government. Half of the mandate is provided by State funding, and the other half is County dollars.

The Commissioner told the Committee that County Executive Spano and his administration is the most pro-public health office he has ever worked with. He explained that if there are any issues we are not working on it is due to lack of funding, not lack of enthusiasm.

Chairwoman Myers asked if there were any new projects going on at the Health Department. Dr. Lipsman told the Committee about the new trans-fat website, which provides constituents with information about the health hazards of trans-fats and has a list of restaurants in the County that do not use trans-fats in their kitchens. He said the Department has been able to be innovative even without funding by creating informative websites. He also informed the Committee that Westchester has one of the largest problems with HIV in the state.

Legislator Burton asked what the Department is doing regarding the Avian Bird Flu, and asked if there was a possible need for mass immunizations. Dr. Lipsman explained that the Health Department’s role in the Avian Bird Flu is to educate the public, monitor the spread of the disease, and help with the response if there is an outbreak.

Legislator Abinanti had several questions regarding children with special needs, and the recent elimination of the Autism exclusion for health insurance in Albany. Dr. Lipsman told the Committee that Deputy Commissioner Patsy Yang-Lewis is a statewide leader in children with special needs and she would love to speak to the Committee on this issue. He explained that services for children with special needs are not means tested, everyone is eligible for services regardless of income. Families that can afford to pay for services on their own chose not to because they are able to get them for free through the County. This is the reason there is such a large budget for one area of services.

Legislator Abinanti stated that research is an area of interest for him and asked the Commissioner if we have any research projects underway. Dr. Lipsman explained that we do not do research as often as we would like because it requires funding and staff that we do not have.

Chairwoman Myers asked what the hot-spots are on the Health Department website. Dr. Lipsman explained that the pages viewed most often are the physician’s corner, Avian Flu, West Nile Virus, and hand washing.

Dr. Lipsman briefly discussed the issue of goose droppings in the County. He told the Committee that there is no specific health risk from the droppings, and it is not a serious issue. They work hard to ensure that the water quality is not affected by the droppings.

Moved by Legislator Burton and seconded by Legislator Abinanti the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

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