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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

June 26, 2007

Committee Members
In Attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Martin Rogowsky and Clinton Young and Kenneth Jenkins.

In Attendance: CEO: Bill Randolph BOL: Andrea and Melanie Montalto. Corrections: Josephine Gibson and Joseph Spano. DOH: Renee Recchia.

Items Discussed: Agenda items 57, 59 & 60.


Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.

Joseph Spano and Josephine Gibson, Deputy Commissioners of the County Department of Corrections discussed agenda items 59 and 60, an agreement with the Westchester County Health Care Corporation to provide medical consulting services to the Department of Corrections. This program is not to exceed the cost of $2,378.

Moved by Legislator Rogowsky and seconded by Legislator Young agenda items 59 and 60 passed with a vote of 4-0.

Renee Recchia of the Department of Health discussed agenda item 57, a no cost agreement with the Westchester County Health Care Corporation to work together to enhance a health care surveillance system that detects and monitors public health disease threats and outbreaks.

Moved by Legislator Rogowsky and seconded by Legislator Young agenda item 57 passed with a vote of 5-0.

Moved by Legislator Young and seconded by Legislator Myers the minutes of November 14, 2006 passed with a vote of 5-0.

Moved by Legislator Rogowsky and seconded by Legislator Burton the minutes of March 13, 2007 passed with a vote of 5-0.

Moved by Legislator Rogowsky and seconded by Legislator Burton the minutes of June 19, 2007 passed with a vote of 5-0.

Moved by Legislator Young and seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 12:25 p.m.

A complete audio recording of the meeting is available for review upon request.

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