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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

July 25, 2006

Committee Members in attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, Ursula LaMotte, Lois Bronz, Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Clinton Young.

In Attendance: BOL: Melanie Montalto.CEO: William Randolph; Stop DWI: Thomas Meier Guests: Carin Grossman.

Items Discussed: Thomas Meier, Director of the STOP DWI office gave an overview of the Department and discussed agenda item #13, Highway Safety Activity.


Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.

Legislator Burton participated in the meeting via speakerphone.

Legislator LaMotte briefly explained agenda item #13, Highway Safety Activity, and told the Committee about a recent car accident due to drinking and driving.

Thomas Meier, Director of the STOP DWI office stated that Barbara Peters-DeMeo in the Department of Public Works handles most of the items on the list of Highway Safety Activities.

He gave a brief description of his background, which includes 25 years of service in the Army. The office of STOP DWI is under the Department of Public Safety and Commissioner Tom Belfiore.

Mr. Meier provided the Committee with a folder containing information on all of the programs in the STOP DWI office, and it includes a presentation containing everything the Department does. The folder is on file and available for review.

Legislator LaMotte asked if the office does any work with the District Attorney. Mr. Meier explained that they have been communicating with the DA’s office much more, and are working together now.

Mr. Meier explained that the STOP DWI program is completely funded by fines that were given to drunk drivers. He also informed the Committee that a person can be arrested if they are driving while taking a prescription drug that warns to not operate heavy machinery.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked for a list of all of the schools that are visited by the program, and those that have the ROADD program, a drunk driving simulator. A discussion ensued regarding the simulator and how realistic it is.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked if the Legislators could be notified when the program will be presented to schools in their district so that they may attend. Mr. Meier said he will send the list Melanie Montalto so that she may inform the Legislators of visits in their district.

The STOP DWI office has an essay and a poster contest each year for students from the third grade to high school as a part of their ‘don’t drink and drive” campaign. Last year 250 essay entries were received.

Mr. Meier informed the Committee of the new Scared Straight Program, in which offending teenagers will be taken to the County Jail to see what can happen to them if they break a law. Once the program is ready to begin the judicial system will be notified and it will be the judge’s decision to use this program as an alternate sentence for teenage offenders.

Legislator LaMotte asked if the teenagers in this program will meet the inmates. Mr. Meier explained that this was under consideration, but it is feared that direct contact with the inmates could cause incidents in the jail or upset parents, so there will be no contact with the inmates for now.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins asked about the efficacy of the DARE program. Mr. Meier said that it is hard to quantify, as we are not able to accurately measure teenage drinking with or without the program.

Mr. Meier informed the Committee that due to the law enforcement crack down, we have increased our arrests by 75% this year. He explained that the message has also been refocused to include drugs and driving. The County is certifying Drug Recognition Experts for the first time in 15 years. DWAID arrests have also climbed 40% in the past two years. He said this is due to increasing work with multiple jurisdictions to set up sobriety check points.

Chairwoman Myers asked if the office works with the Safe Rides program in Mamaroneck. Mr. Meier explained that while he is impressed with that program, his department cannot work with them because they do not advocate for students not to drink.

Mr. Meier stated that next year the office will be providing $10,000 to each municipality for STOP DWI programs, instead of the $8,400 they received this year.

The Committee asked about prom prevention and the role parent’s play. Mr. Meier explained that the County does all it can, but the parents have the biggest responsibility, and many of them feel it is a right of passage to drink on prom night. The office is looking for ways to help change the minds of these parents.

Legislator Bronz asked if the office works with health centers and domestic violence organizations. Mr. Meier explained that while domestic violence is directly related to drug and alcohol use, it does not have much correlation with driving, so they are not able to do many things with these organizations. STOP DWI does however coordinate programs with the County Youth Bureau frequently on all of these issues.

Mr. Meier also informed the Committee that trainings are conducted at County restaurants and bars to teach the staff how to prevent the customers from drinking and driving.

Moved by Legislator Stewart-Cousins and seconded by Legislator LaMotte the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 1:15 p.m.

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