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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

July 17, 2007

Committee Members In Attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, William Burton, Lois Bronz, Clinton Young and Kenneth Jenkins.

In Attendance: CEO: Bill Randolph BOL: Rick Pezzullo, Joanne Sold, Mary Jackson, Andrea Clay, Teresa Toscano, Andrew Rickett, Kevin Smith and Melanie Montalto. Guests: Darryl Gibbs and Edmund Reilly.

Items Discussed: Agenda item 66- The Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Act of 2007

Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m.

Mr. Darryl Gibbs, co-founder of the Cynthia Gibbs Foundation, provided a history of the foundation including the story of how his daughter, Cynthia Gibbs, died from shaken baby syndrome. He discussed the laws he has worked to have passed in Albany, the support he has received from elected officials and the City of Yonkers. He explained that he would like the support of the Board of Legislators to help have H.R. 2052/S.1204 “The Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Act of 2007” passed in both the House and Senate.

Mr. Gibbs stated that he has had difficulty getting in touch with Senator Clinton’s office. The Committee agreed that the Board can be of assistance in that area.

Legislator Jenkins stated for the record that he is in full support of the Act and the letter of support that the Committee has drafted.

The Committee will be sure to have a copy of the letter sent to Senator Clinton and Congressman Hall. The letter will also be personally addressed to the Federal Delegation rather than carbon copied. The body of the letter was discussed and amended.

Moved by Legislator Jenkins and seconded by Legislator Bronz the amended letter of support was approved with a vote of 5-0.

The letter of support to the American Medical Association regarding organ harvesting in China was discussed and amended. Legislator Burton requested that it be signed by the full Board. The letter will be brought back to the Committee for further review.

Moved by Legislator Burton and seconded by Legislator Jenkins the minutes of April 10, 2007 passed with a vote of 5-0.

Moved by Legislator Jenkins and seconded by Legislator Burton the minutes of June 26, 2007 passed with a vote of 4-0.

Moved by Legislator Bronz and seconded by Legislator Burton agenda items 55 and 67 were received and filed with a vote of 4-0.

Moved by Legislator Bronz and seconded by Legislator Burton the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 12:43 p.m.

A complete audio recording of the meeting is available for review upon request.

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