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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

February 7, 2006

Committee Members in attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, Thomas Abinanti, Lois Bronz, William Burton, Ursula LaMotte, Martin Rogowsky, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Clinton Young, and William Ryan, Chairman of the Board.

In Attendance: CEO: Bill Randolph, Andrew Neuman, Kevin Ryan, Donna Greene BOL: Perry Ochacher, Gary Kriss, Steve Bass, Tara Bernard, Louise Gantress, Barbara Dodds, Betsy DeSoye.

Items Discussed: Legislator Stewart-Cousin’s report regarding the Department of Social Services: Beyond Policy and Protocol.


Legislator Myers called the meeting to order at 12:08 p.m.

Legislator Myers thanked everyone involved in creating the report on Social Services, Beyond Policy and Protocol, especially Legislator Stewart-Cousins, former chair of the Families committee. She also thanked the employees of DSS, from the Commissioner to the caseworkers, as well as the foster parents and grandparents.

Legislator Stewart-Cousins discussed how the process of researching and creating the report. The committee met over 30 times, and the process was difficult. Officials at DSS were cooperative and responsive. The completed report looks at three areas of DSS: Foster Care, Day Care, and Child Welfare. She described at length several suggestions the report contains for the Department of Social Services.

Although DSS implemented several suggestions made by the committee, there are still problems that exist that need to be addressed. The committee recognizes that DSS is not responsible for the death of the children in the report. However, protocols were breached.
A discussion ensued regarding what type of people should be hired, updating training manuals, the need for more caseworks, and less burn-out for the workers.

Concerns were expressed regarding the lack of clarification as to which deputy commissioner was in charge of overseeing Child Protective Services at the time of the children’s deaths. Discussion continued regarding the deputy commissioners.
Members were informed that the committee has only received information that they requested from the Department. DSS has not submitted a formal statement about what changes the department is going to make.

In light of its completion, members stressed the importance of applying those changes recommended in the report, suggesting the department be encouraged to adhere to a timeline for implementation.

Legislator Myers stated that the next step is for the committee to carefully review this report, as well as the Grand Jury report, and the CWLA report to ensure that all are aware of the suggestions made in each when the committee meets with the department next.

Emphasis was placed on how it is extremely important to receive a response from Social Services in writing. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the leadership in DSS.

Legislator Myers agreed that the committee must move quickly on this issue and begin communicating directly with DSS. She stated that she will invite Commissioner Mahon to the committee meeting next week.

A complete copy of the report is on file and available for review upon request.

Legislator Myers motioned to adjourn at 1:30 p.m. Legislators Burton and Young seconded.

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