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Committee on Family, Health and Human Services Minutes

February 27, 2007

Committee Members
in attendance: Judy Myers, Chair, Clinton Young, William Burton, and Kenneth Jenkins.

In Attendance: BOL: Joanne sold and Melanie Montalto. Guests: Cora Carey, WECEO, Catherine Lederer-Plaskett, WCLA Choice Matters, and Reina Schiffrin, Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic.

Items Discussed: Funding request from WCLA-Choice Matters and Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic to conduct an educational campaign about Emergency Contraception.

Chairwoman Myers called the meeting to order at 12:16 p.m.

Chairwoman Myers announced that the Committee will make women’s health a priority for the 2007 year.

Katherine Lederer-Plaskett of WCLA-Choice Matters distributed information and a budget request for an educational campaign on Emergency Contraception pills. A copy of the hand-outs are on file and available for review.

Katherine Lederer-Plaskett explained to the Committee that EC prevents pregnancy from happening, it does not abort a fetus. If a pregnant woman takes EC the fetus will not be affected. The pill prevents conception if it is taken shortly after intercourse occurs.

Katherine Lederer-Plaskett provided some background on Emergency Contraception. She stated that both men and women can purchase EC with proper identification showing that they are 18 years old or older. The pills are expensive, costing between $30 and $80 depending on where they are purchased. She told the Committee that studies have shown that across the country in areas where women are educated about EC the number of pregnancies and abortions have decreased. She continued to explain that preventing unintended pregnancies saves the community money. She said that currently the rate of unintended pregnancies and abortions for poor women are increasing because they cannot afford birth control or EC. The numbers are decreasing for upper and middle class women because they are using birth control. She said the number of abortions in Westchester has not decreased.

Katherine Lederer-Plaskett stated that the abortion rate in Washington D.C. decreased 30% after this EC initiative was put into place. New York City is also participating in the initiative and is handing out flyers to educate the public about EC.

Katherine Lederer-Plaskett requested $144,040 from the Board of Legislators for WCLA-Choice Matters to implement the EC initiative. She explained that funding will be provided by other sources as well. They would like to start the initiative this spring.

Moved by Legislator Young and seconded by Legislator Burton the minutes of the December 12, 2006 Committee meeting were approved with a vote of 3-0.

Moved by Legislator Young and seconded by Legislator Jenkins the Committee on Families, Health and Human Services adjourned at 1:18 p.m.

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