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Committee to Hear From Both Sides on Benefits and Risks of Proposed Broadwater Liquefied Natural Gas Facility

PRESS ADVISORY: November 9, 2007

Contact: Christopher Crane, Committee Counsel, Tel: (914) 995-2104

Who: The County Board's Environment & Energy Committee
Guest speakers include:
Froydis Cameron, Broadwater/Shell
Adrienne Esposito, Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE)
Laura McMillan, Save the Sound
What: Discussion on Broadwater Energy's proposal to build a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) import, storage and re-gasification terminal at a depth of 90 feet in Long Island Sound
Where: Committee Meeting Room, Westchester County Board of Legislators, Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, 8th Floor, White Plains, NY
When: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 3:00 PM
Why: At the urging of CCE, a regional Long Island Sound environmental group that has actively opposed the project for the last couple of years, the Environment & Energy Committee will host a meeting with officials from Broadwater Energy as well as representatives from environmental advocacy organizations on Broadwater's proposal to build a LNG facility in the middle of Long Island Sound.
The meeting will include an overview of the proposed facility and presentations by proponents and opponents of the project. The Committee will discuss a resolution supporting Suffolk County's and numerous municipalities’ opposition to the project.

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