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New York State DOT Stops Work to Review Tree Cutting Impacts

July 12, 2007

Contact: Leg. Thomas Abinanti; Tel: (914) 592-7100; Abinanti@westchesterlegislators.com

County Legislator Thomas Abinanti (D, I, WF) announced today that New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is suspending its tree cutting operations on Route 100A in Greenburgh in order to review environmental and aesthetic impacts and include arborist evaluation of its tree removal plan.

NYSDOT is in the midst of a planned cutting down of hundreds of trees along the length of state road 100A, which runs north to south through much of Greenburgh. Directed at trees along the road’s right-of-way, the tree removal by NYSDOT affects greenery and screening to which both drivers and residents are accustomed.

In telephone conversations and letters with NYSDOT officials, Abinanti asked for an immediate cessation of tree cutting until environmental impacts are properly assessed, as required by New York’s environmental review statute, SEQRA. Likely impacts associated with NYSDOT’s actions on Route 100A include increased stormwater runoff and dramatically altered views.

“I’m pleased that NYSDOT will take another look at their plan and hope they will decide to save most of the trees that are marked for destruction,” said Abinanti.

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