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MINUTES: April 30, 2007

MEMBERS (E&E): Chair: Abinanti; Legislators: Kaplowitz, Rogowsky, Maisano, and Myers

MEMBERS (Leg.): Chair: Pinto; Legislators: Abinanti, Bronz, Burrows, Jenkins, Maisano, Myers,
Oros, Rogowsky and Young.

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: S. Gerry, B. Randolph; LAW: M. Nicolas-Brewster, M. Gleeson, L. Pizer; DEP’T.: T. Lauro (WCDEF); P. Kutzy (WCDOH); G. D’Agrosa (Water Ag’y.); STAFF: C. Crane, N. Rentz; GUEST: M. Noga, NYS On-Site Training Network.
[List of other meeting attendees is on file.]

Meeting called to order at 3:45 pm.

Item(s) Discussed:

Chair Pinto called to order the Legislation Committee, followed by Chair Abinanti calling the Environment & Energy Committee to order. As a preliminary matter, Chair Abinanti requested a meeting with WCDPW and interested organization (e.g., NYPA) to consider alternative installations at the Valhalla heating plant at a future E&E Committee meeting.

To assist in preparing a recommendation for the Budget & Appropriations Committee, Chair Abinanti recognized Susan Gerry and members of the Administration regarding the proposed legislation to reimburse certain costs for septic owners within sewage districts. The Committees reviewed the provisions of the proposed legislation. Chair Abinanti requested the following revisions to the legislation: (i) reimbursement based on system pump-out once every three (3) years and an inspection once every six (6) years, and (ii) a chart describing where septic parcels are within the sewage districts. Further review of the legislation will occur at a future meeting.

Chair Abinanti recognized Marc Noga, who provided a presentation on the training program conducted under the auspices of NYSDEC and NYSDOS. Mr. Noga also provided information on best practices for maintaining septic systems and types of systems.

On the motion of Leg. Rogowksy, seconded by Leg. Myers, the Committee voted to adjourn the meeting (all in favor, aye). On the motion of Leg. Pinto, seconded by Leg. Young, the Committee voted to adjourn the meeting (all in favor, aye). The meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.

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