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MINUTES: April 23, 2007

MEMBERS: Chair: Abinanti; Legislators: Kaplowitz, LaMotte, Rogowsky, Maisano, Myers
and Ryan.

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: S. Gerry, B. Randolph; LAW: M. Nicolas-Brewster, M. Gleeson, L. Pizer; DEP’T.: A. Landi, T. Lauro (WCDEF); G. Carmichael, P. Kutzy (WCDOH); G. D’Agrosa (Water Ag’y.); STAFF: C. Crane.
[List of other meeting attendees is on file.]

Meeting called to order at 3:21 pm.

Item(s) Discussed:

The Committee meeting commenced with Chairman Ryan’s introduction of student Katie Ring, who provided a presentation to the Committee on the benefits of utilizing compact fluorescent lightbulbs.

The Committee next considered the proposed septic system notification legislation. Discussion included recording compliance with the notification requirements, compliance in other jurisdictions (e.g., Kings Co., WA), and contrast of policy approaches - providing notice and information on septics to prospective purchasers versus a program requiring inspections. The Committee also discussed the data associated with septage received at the Hawthorne manhole, with Commissioner Landi explaining the procedure for receiving septage.

The Committee also considered the proposed legislation regarding septage haulers. Ms. Gerry and Mr. Carmichael provided a recap on the legislation, including the creation of a database of septic systems. The Committee reviewed the legislation’s data reporting requirements and the present arrangement for discharge fees at the Hawthorne Manhole. Chair Abinanti requested that WCDEF provide the Committee with a report on various alternative means for measuring septage volume and charging fees at the Hawthorne Manhole.

On the motion of Leg. Kaplowitz, seconded by Leg. LaMotte, the Committee voted the septage hauler legislation (E&E No. 88) out for public hearing only (5-0, aye; Legs. Maisano and Ryan out). Chair Abinanti informed the Committee that training of septage haulers/contractors is available through other programs. On the motion of Leg. Rogowsky, seconded by Leg. Myers, the Committee voted to adjourn the meeting (5-0, aye). The meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.

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