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MINUTES: April 16, 2007

MEMBERS: Chair: Abinanti; Legislators: Kaplowitz, LaMotte, Rogowsky, and Myers.

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: S. Gerry; LAW: M. Nicolas-Brewster, M. Gleeson, L. Pizer, L. Trentacoste; DEP’T.: G. Brown (WCDCP); G. Carmichael, P. Kutzy (WCDOH); STAFF: C. Crane, N. Rentz.
[List of other meeting attendees is on file.]

Meeting called to order at 3:29 pm.

Item(s) Discussed:

Chair Abinanti commenced the meeting by providing a recap on the consideration of the proposed leafblower legislation at the Committee and Board levels (E&E No. 66). Chair Abinanti recognized Gary Brown, Commissioner of the Department of Consumer Protection, who described the proposed legislation and its revisions. An equipment manufacturer (Stihl) informed the Committee of their involvement with incentives in other jurisdictions (e.g., SCAQMD). Upon Leg. Rogowsky’s assertion that the County should obtain cleaner leafblowers, the Committee report accompanying the legislation was revised to reflect a County effort to obtain cleaner leafblowers in advance of the legislation’s required compliance date. Leg. Kaplowitz moved to accept the revised legislation, which was seconded by Leg. LaMotte. All Committee members voted in favor of the legislation (5-0, aye).

The Committee next considered the proposed private wells testing legislation. The Committee considered the legislation’s provisions, and discussion included deliberation on the type of transfers which the legislation affects, the proposed notification obligations, status of recent litigation on similar legislation in Rockland County, remediation and enforcement requirements. The legislation was revised to delete the notification requirement by brokers or transfer agents and to increase the penalties for violations. Upon motion by Leg. Rogowsky, which was seconded by Leg. Kaplowitz, the Committee voted in favor of the amended legislation for all purposes (4-0, aye; Leg. LaMotte out).

On the motion of Leg. Kaplowitz, seconded by Leg. Rogowsky, the Committee voted to adjourn the meeting (4-0, aye; Leg. LaMotte out). The meeting adjourned at 4:55 pm.

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