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COMMITTEE ON BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS Joint with Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks

MINUTES: September 25, 2006

MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Alvarado, Burton, LaMotte, Pinto, Rogowsky, Spreckman, Stewart-Cousins, Swanson

MEMBERS: Chair: Alvarado; Legislators: Burton, Myers, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Swanson

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph; Budget: K. Carrano, L. Bennett, A. Vietro, A. Huang; PW: R. Butler; DEF: T. Landi; Law: J. Robertson, T. Altschiller, S. Gerry; Planning: F. McLaughlin, G. D’Grosa; DSS: B. Sabater; Youth Bureau: M. Furtick; Parks: J. Stout, J. Barker, P. Neglia; Finance: P. Pucillo; WCHCC: M. Israel, G. Brudnicki; CBAC: B. Strauss, J. Whelan; H. Corbin; BOL: B. Boland, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg, B. Bochow, D. Toledo, L. Gantress

With quorums present, the Budget & Appropriations and Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks Committees were called to order at 10:13 a.m.

C81 is a $100,000 Bond Act to finance the Exterior Infrastructure Repairs to the White Plains Complex project. The bonding will fund the cost of design, construction management and construction in connection with rehabilitating the exterior of the Michaelian Office Building. Work includes cleaning, waterproofing and masonry repairs to selected portions of the façade.

For B&A: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Spreckman, the item carried 8-0.
For PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 5-0.

ITEM C82(B014A-Court St.)
C82 is a $200,000 Bond Act to finance the Exterior Infrastructure Repairs to the White Plains Complex project. The bonding will find the cost of design, construction management and construction in connection with rehabilitating the exterior of the front plaza of the 85 Court Street Office Building. Work includes the removal of potential hazards, as well as site work.

For B&A: On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 9-0.
For PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Myers seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 6-0.

ITEM A35/C100
A35 is an Act amending the County’s 2006 Capital Budget, increasing the 2006 appropriation by $5.4 million for Capital Project RML02-Mountain Lakes Infrastructure- Camp Morty. C100 is the related $2.6 million Bond Act. Camp Morty is a camping facility for underprivileged youth. The Bonding will fund the cost of design and construction management of the entire project and construction related to Phase 1 of the development of Camp Morty on 15 acres at Mountain Lakes Park in North Salem. Phase 1 involves the rehab of the dining hall, a new restroom building, associated utilities, temporary living quarters, landscaping and site-work and the demolition of unusable structures. This phase must be completed by May 31, 2007 so as to be open for the children by next summer.

The County will rely on a contracted outside agency to handle all aspects of camp staffing.

 A breakdown of the $2.6 million project was requested.

For B&A: On the motion of Legislator LaMotte seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the item carried 9-0.
For PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Alvarado seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 6-0.

ITEM A30-34/C103
A30-34/C103 is a legislative package which would authorize the County, in cooperation with North Castle and Harrison, to undertake the construction of sewer lines and appurtenances necessary to provide public sanitary sewer service to the Quarry Heights area located in North Castle. In 1999, failed septic systems were determined to be the cause of contamination to well water representing a significant threat to the public health and environment. Partially located within the drainage basin for Kensico Reservoir, inadequately treated sanitary sewage from Quarry Heights could pose a significant threat to the public health, safety and welfare of the 9 million people this drinking water system supplies.

The project contemplates that construction will be undertaken in order to make 57 separate sanitary sewer connections and the construction of 1 service stub for future connections. The Quarry Heights Connections will require the construction; of a local sanitary sewer collection system in North Castle, of sewer facilities and equipment as necessary for each parcel, a new sewer main across lands owned by Harrison and facilities necessary to connect the Quarry Heights Collection System and New Sewer Main to the Harrison-owned sanitary sewage transmission lines located in the Park Lane neighborhood in Harrison.

The package includes: an IMA with North Castle authorizing the County to undertake the construction of the Quarry Heights Collection System, New Sewer Main and Park Lane Connections on property owned by North Castle; an IMA with Harrison granting the County permission to construct the New Sewer Main and any other necessary connections on Harrison-owned property; a Sewer District Modification removing 59 parcels from the Upper Bronx Valley SSD and adding 57 parcels to the Mamaroneck SSD, resulting in the Quarry Heights parcels belonging only to the Mamaroneck SSD; Local Law amending the Laws of Westchester County by replacing the existing Quarry Heights Map with one reflecting the revised parcel designations; 2 Capital Budget Amendments 1 de-appropriating $2.5 million for Capital Project: SUB01, Quarry Heights Tributary Sewer System and a second appropriating $3,250,000 for Capital Project SM087 Quarry Heights Tributary Sewer System and a $3,250,000 Bond Act ($2.5 in previously appropriated funding plus an additional $750,000 to account for construction cost escalations since the original 2001 approval.

After much discussion, it was agreed the item will be approved for public hearing purposes only.

For B&A: On the motion of Legislator Swanson seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried .
For PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Swanson seconded by Legislator Myers, the item carried .

 Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks adjourned at 11:15 am.

A proposed Local Law authorizing a 4th amendment to the Westchester County Health Care Corporation Transition Agreement.

It was decided this item would be held until a later meeting date.

Westchester Medical Center President & CEO Mike Israel gave members a semi-annual update on the facility highlighting the areas of fiscal stability, communications and infrastructure.

Fiscally, the Medical Center has met its goal of a 5% surplus in its budget for the year thus far and anticipates meeting that goal for the next few years. This surplus will be used to re-invest in the center’s technology program.

The Center has endeavored to improve its relationship with all constituency, union and political groups. Center was able to utilize a recent Ernst & Young survey, which revealed the Center’s reimbursement rates at 30% below similar institutions identifying $30-40 million a year in revenue, as an aid in negotiating new 3 year contracts.

The Chargemaster System is in place and fully functioning, gross charges up 100%. The Center also plans to implement the Cardinal System in the near future. This system comprised of special cabinets will assist in the management of the Center supply system automatically generating a list of supplies to be re-stocked as they are used. The Center has plans to renovate the in-patient hospital lobby, patient and family lounge areas, there are no plans to renovate any administrative offices as of yet. A new infant security system is also now in place.

o A copy of the Center’s projected 2007 Budget and actual vs. 2006 Budget as well as a copy of its balance sheet was requested.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 12:06 pm.

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