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MINUTES: October 17, 2006

MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Alvarado, Burton, Oros,
Pinto, Rogowsky


IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph; Budget: A. Vietro; DPW: R. Butler, R. Abbamont, P. Kruck, A. LaCroce; DOC: R. Pozzi, J. Spano; DPS: D. Ritucci, D. Long; DES: A. Sutton, J. Jackson, K. Napolitano; Planning: G. Mulligan, F. McLaughlin, P. Natarelli, D. McBride; Labs & Research: M. Hyland; DEF: A. Landi, C. Conti, T. Lauro; PRC: J. Stout, P. Neglia, R. Reno, P. Tartaglia, K. O’Connor, D. Delucia, N. Squillante; DoT: L. Salley; CBAC: B. Strauss, A. Turnquist; BOL: B. Boland, S. Vanderberg, L. Gantress, B. Bochow

With a quorum present, the Budget and Appropriations Committee was called to order at 9:13 a.m.

2007 Proposed Capital Projects Budget Review
The video presentation of the Budget highlighted all proposed capital projects for each County Department for the year 2007. The rising costs of petroleum products and various forms of energy and fuel have been factored into the anticipated costs for each project. A brief synopsis of the 2007 Capital Project Budget follows:

Many of the proposed projects for this department are rehabilitative in nature and are aimed at improving productivity & security and include the following:

County Clerk: Projects will primarily consist of department renovation and I.T. improvement.

Emergency Services:

Public Works:

Information Technology: Department will continue the desktop purchase program, department aims to purchase 1,000 new computers each year. The purchase of 3 large servers, departmental servers, shared servers and scanners and the replacement of some E-911 equipment are also planned.

Labs & Research: The purchase of a D.N.A. analyzer and other equipment which will keep the department up to par with E.P.A. standards.

Planning: Projects will further the County’s Legacy Program with improvements to many parks and trailways and its affordable housing for seniors and 1st time homeowners programs. Stormwater runoff at County facilities and various building improvements are also planned.

Public Safety: Renovations of the communication system at Department headquarters are planned.

Social Services: Improvements to various shelter facilities including windows, roof and flooring replacements are planned.

Corrections: A complete renovation to the parking structure at the Valhalla campus, interior infrastructure improvements to aging buildings including; fire safety, H.V.A.C. and plumbing, exterior improvements such as water proofing and life safety improvements are planned through 2010. A renovation of the 1932 Jail and improvements to the Emergency Services Command Center are also planned.

Parkways, Roadways and Bridges
All roadway improvements are based on P.C.I. (Pavement Condition Index) ratings; bridges are reviewed bi-annually traffic usage is considered in the case of each. There are numerous bridge & roadways projects scheduled for various municipalities in the upcoming year.

Parks, Recreation & Conservation: Park-wide boiler replacements, vehicle replacement of the maintenance fleet and general infrastructure improvements to many facilities are planned.

Playland: The renovation/restoration of historic rides & components, solid waste recycling improvements, and initiatives to maintain the safety of the park’s most popular non-historic rides are planned.

Transportation: Proposed projects to maintain the state’s largest non-MTA mandated transportation system will include the continuation of the bus replacement program (with the initial purchase of hybrid buses scheduled for ’07) and enhancements at 3300 bus stops.

County Airport: Proposed projects will continue to have no environmental impact or impact on the County tax-levy as funding is found in the Airport Special Revenue Fund. Storm-water improvements, heavy equipment acquisition and drainage safety improvements are but an example of the proposed projects.

DEF: Projects will continue to address odor control issues at and the rehabilitation of several County facilities and include the acquisition of heavy equipment replacement.

o Based on questions raised Dept will review last time major work had been done to Gallows Bridge in Cortlandt.

A copy of the video presentation and a package of proposed Capital Projects not included in the video presentation is on file and available for review upon request.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 11:06 am.

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