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COMMITTEE ON BUDGET & APPROPRIATIONS Joint with Housing, Planning & Government Operations and Public Works, Transportation, Labor & Parks


MEMBERS: Chair: Kaplowitz; Legislators: Alvarado, Burton, LaMotte,
Oros, Pinto, Rogowsky, Spreckman, Stewart-Cousins

MEMBERS: Chair: Bronz; Legislators: Burton, Pinto, Spreckman, Stewart-Cousins

MEMBERS: Chair: Alvarado; Legislators: Burton, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins

IN ATTENDANCE: CE’s office: A. Neuman, B. Randolph, S. Carrera; Budget: K. Carrano, A. Reasner; PW: R. Butler; DEF: M. Pompa, J; Phelan; IT: K. Foster, S. Wear, M. Beirne; Finance: P. Pucillo; DoT: L. Salley; Planning: F. McLaughlin; LWV: B. Strauss, A. Turnquist, H. Corbin; BOL: B. Boland, R. Indelicato, S. Vanderberg, L. Gantress, D. Toledo, B. Bochow

With a quorum present, the Budget and Appropriations Committee was called to order at 9:37 a.m.

Item A14 is a Local Law enacting a new income scale in order to provide real property tax exemptions to the greatest number of qualifying disabled persons by adjusting the scale upwardly to the maximum amount authorized by the recent state amendment. The new scale will enable qualifying disabled persons whose income does not exceed $26,000 exemption of 50% of the assessed value of their real property from taxation.

These initiatives will amount to a very limited increase for those who don’t qualify.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Spreckman, the item carried 6-0.
Item A17 is a Local Law enacting a new income scale in order to provide real property tax exemptions to the greatest number of qualifying senior citizens by adjusting the scale upwardly to the maximum amount authorized by the recent state amendment.
The new scale will enable qualifying senior citizens whose income does not exceed $26,000 exemption of 50% of the assessed value of their real property from taxation.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the item carried 6-0.

On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Pinto, the minutes for September 25, 2006 were approved unanimously.

Item A41 is a Resolution modifying the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by returning 1 parcel of property (Pierce Street). The parcel was taken out in 1998 for the 1999 Tax year pursuant to the town’s request.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz, the item carried 8-0.
PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Stewart-Couins seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 4-0.

Item A18 will authorize the County to enter into IMAs with municipalities in connection with the county-wide bus shelter program. The IMAs will provide for the continued operation of existing bus shelters and the addition of new shelters in the municipalities on an as-need basis. The shelters will be erected and maintained by the Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. pursuant to a license agreement with the County. Clear Channel in turn sells advertising space on the shelters of which the municipalities will receive 50% of the County’s share of ad revenue after a deduction covering the County’s administrative costs. County maintains total veto power of potential ads.

There is a need for additional shelters and the possibility to re-negotiate for more. The Department’s expense is located in the community services account line in the budget. This agreement represents the best of the RFP offers.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the item carried 8-0.
PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 4-0.

Item A29 is a Local Law authorizing the County to amend a lease agreement Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation, L.L.C. for space a t the Westchester County Airport. Piedmont currently leases space in Hangar D at the airport and is proposing to make additional improvements to the site including the construction of an 8100 square ft. operations terminal extension in order to enhance passenger comfort requirements. There will be no change to the footprint or increase in traffic. This request is similar to those previously approved for Signature and Habitat Airlines. A rent will increase $170,000 in annual rent will go into affect in January 1, 2010.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator LaMotte, the item carried 8-0.
PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the item carried 4-0.

Item A22 is an Act authorizing the County to enter an IMA with New Castle whereby the County will construct approximately 530 ft of sewer piping and 5 manholes for 3 sewer connections so as to provide better access. Following completion of the sewer work, the Town would assume full responsibility for all maintenance and repair work. The cost of the project will come from the Sewer District Budget.

It was noted the legislation appears to refer to lateral piping; an arrangement the County historically does not enter into.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 8-0; with Legislators Alvarado, LaMotte, Oros, Spreckman, Stewart-Cousins voting without prejudice.
PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 4-0, Legislator Alvarado voted without prejudice.

ITEM C97/C108(B0081)
Both items relate to the rehabilitation of the Record Center located at 2199 Saw Mill River Rd, Elmsford. Item C97 is a Bond Act for $119,000 which will fund the design of the replacement of the existing historical Archives’ HVAC systems. Item C108 is a Bond Act for $231,000 which will fund the repair, refurbishment and repair/replacement of the Archives precision HVAC systems. None of the work will have any negative affect on the documents keep there.

o A request was made that the Committee on Public Works Committee receive a copy of the specifications prior to it be released for bid.

The following motion and second was taken for both items:

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 8-0.
PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, the item carried 4-0.
ITEM C98(P0018)
Item C98 is a $1,020,000 Bond Act to fund the design phase of the Bronx River Parkway at Crane Rd rehab project. This project will determine whether the structures are to be replaced or rehabilitated. The goal of the department is to secure as much state aide for the project in order to avoid a public referendum for the actual project.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Spreckman, the item carried 8-0.
PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Stewart-Cousins seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 4-0.

Item C105 is a $1 million Bond Act to finance the Quaker Bridge Rd over Croton River in Cortlandt road rehab project. The bonding will fund the design, construction management and construction of the project.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 8-0.
PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 4-0.

Item C106 is a $450,000 bond act to finance the Quaker Ridge Rd over Pine Brook Blvd & Sheldrake River in New Rochelle road rehab project. The bonding will fund the design, construction management and construction of the project.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 7-0.
PW,T,L&P: On the motion of Legislator Pinto seconded by Legislator Burton, the item carried 4-0.

 The Housing, Planning & government Operations Committee was called to order at 10:46 am.

Item A21 is an Act authorizing IMAs with municipalities located in Westchester, Putnam, Rockland and Dutchess whereby Westchester will provide GIS services.

o List of participating communities was requested.

B&A: On the motion of Legislator LaMotte seconded by Legislator Spreckman, the item carried 7-0.

H,P&GO: On the motion of Legislator Burton seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item carried 6-0.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 am.

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