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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2006; 4:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Chair: Swanson. Members: Bronz, Oros, Pinto. Staff: Vita.

GUESTS: Thomas M. Cain, Fire Advisory Board; Vera Halpenny, Community Services Board; George Echevarria, Hispanic Advisory Board; Marion Sinek, Women’s Advisory Board. Bill Randolph, CEO’s Office.

Mrs. Swanson called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Thomas M. Cain: Is a resident of Lagrangeville, New York and was appointed by the CE for a term to expire on December 31, 2008. Mr. Cain was previously removed from the agenda pending residency requirements, but after a review, and as noted in the Board & Commissions Book that there are no resident requirements for this position.

Mr. Cain has been Chief of the Scarsdale Fire Department since 2005, the Westchester County Fire Career Chiefs voted him as their representative. He took the oath of office, but has not attended any meetings due to residency issue. The Board meets the last Thursday of each month and it is combined of 46 career fire fighters and 96 volunteers. He is replacing Chief Rafferty from the Greenville Fire Department.

The members reviewed his resume, where Mr. Cain has over twenty-two years experience as a professional firefighter and officer with the Scarsdale Fire Department. He also serves as the NYS Municipal Training Officer for the Scarsdale Fire Department since 2002 and County fire Instructor for Westchester County from 2004 to 2005.

All members agreed that Chief Cain was an excellent candidate for the position and thanked him for taking time from his busy schedule to come in for an interview. He will be notified by the committee chair of their decision.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Bronz, the appointment is hereby approved. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 4-0.


Vera Halpenny: Is a resident of Dobbs Ferry, New York and has been appointed by the CE as a Social Work member, for a term to expire on December 31, 2009. She is replacing David Hernandez who has resigned from the Board.

Ms. Halpenny is the Director of Residential Services for the National Institute for People with Disabilities in New York City since 1989. As a member of the Senior Management Team, she is responsible for clinical, personnel, fiscal and regulatory compliance of 16 residential sites for the developmentally disabled population

Mrs. Bronz mentioned the alternatives for senior housing and the special needs and costs that are a major issue especially with baby boomers coming of age; Mrs. Halpenny agreed that the issue would be a concern of hers as well.

Mrs. Swanson thanked her for her time to serve of this Board, and she will be notified of the committee’s decision.

On the motion of Legislator Bronz, seconded by Legislator Pinto, this appointment is hereby approved. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 4-0.


Marion Sinek: Is a resident of Chappaqua, New York and has been appointed as a District 4 Representative member for a term to expire December 31, 2007. Ms. Sinek has been a long-standing member of this Committee as an At-Large member. She is well known to the Board of Legislator and is familiar with the responsibilities of the Hispanic Advisory Board, where she serves on every available committee.

Ms. Sinek’s long-time experience and background is exceptional and she has proven to be an asset to the board and to the Women of Westchester County.

On the motion of Legislator Swanson, seconded by Legislator Pinto, this appointment is hereby approved. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 4-0.


George Eshevarria: Is a resident of Pleasantville, New York and has been appointed for a term to expire on December 31, 2007. He has his own private practice since 1991, and has experience in areas of practice such as: bankruptcy, immigration, real estate, criminal, negligence, municipal, construction, commercial and labor.

He has recently participated in a job summit and a job fair in Manhattanville and found them very resourceful and useful for many of our new residents.

The appointment is hereby approved and moved on the motion of Legislator Swanson, seconded by Legislator Bronz. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 4-0.

On the motion of Legislator Bronz, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the Committee moved into Executive Session at 4:55 p.m. to discuss the recommendation of a public member for the Rent Guidelines Board.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Oros, the committee moved out of executive session at 5:25 p.m.

The Committee recommends to the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal, Mr. Sterling Jasper of New Rochelle New York, to fill the position of Public Member, recently vacated by the resignation of David Cheek.

This Committee has done its due diligence by interviewing five excellent candidates (list of applicants attached) for this position. By New York State law, the Board of Legislators of Westchester County, is required to recommend 1 person out of the five and Mr. Jasper was the most qualified.

On the motion of Legislator Bronz, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the recommendation of Sterling Jasper to the Rent Guidelines Board is hereby approved. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried 4-0.

With no other business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.

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