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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2006; 3:00 P.M.

PRESENT: Chair: Swanson. Members: Bronz, Oros, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins. Staff: Vita.

GUESTS: Albert Annunziata, Executive Director-Builders Institute of West-Mid-Hudson Region, Inc.; Nancy Fitch-Woman’s Advisory Board; Thomas McGrath-Housing Opportunity Commission; Patrick Vetere-PARKS Board; Norma Johnson-Rent Guidelines Board; Blanche Kruck-Woman’s Advisory Board; Michael Abraham-Youth Board.

Mrs. Swanson called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.

The first applicant for the Rent Guidelines Board, Goodwin (Goody) Sculky, was unable to attend, but will be rescheduled for another day.


Nancy Fitch: Is a resident of Mount Vernon and was appointed by the County Executive for a term to expire on December 31, 2007. Ms. Fitch is currently the Coordinator of the Literacy Volunteers Learning Center of Mount Vernon. Several years ago, she became an advocate for Immigration Rights and would be lost with out the Woman’s Board and its activities.

Prior to working with the Board, she assisted at the Women’s Place, a support group for homeless and abused women where they try to help women get their lives back and make it richer. Ms. Fitch is the former City Clerk of Mount Vernon and she was the first African American Woman to serve in this capacity.

Mrs. Stewart-Cousins asked if she see a winning battle with literacy of all ages, and Ms. Fitch replied that there are approximately 40 people who will take part of the program just to learn to read the Bible, some for school, and some for employment. She said some were previous employees of companies or banks. Mrs. Bronz inquired about the impact of the program by new immigrants; Ms. Fitch replied the newer groups, such as the Hispanic groups, tend to have their own Centers.

The members thanked Ms. Fitch for volunteering her time and agreed that she will be an asset to this Board.

The appointment was moved and approved by Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Stewart-Cousins. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 5-0.


Thomas P. McGrath: A resident of Katonah, and has been appointed by the CE to replace the late Stanley Schear, and who will serve at the pleasure of the County Executive. He has taken his oath and attended his first meeting today. He knows George Raymond and he is confident that he can be an asset to this Commission.

Mr. McGrath has working for that past 15 years in affordable housing, and knows most of the members on the Commission.

Legislator Bronz said Mr. McGrath has a very generous wealth of talent and she highly recommends him for the position. All members agreed and thanked Mr. McGrath for volunteering his time.

The appointment is approved and moved on the motion of Legislator Oros, seconded by Legislator Bronz. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 5-0


Patrick Vetere: Is a resident of Harrison and appointed by the CE for a term to expire on December 31, 2008. He is an avid golfer for many years and has played on most of the golf courses in Westchester, and he is a master gardener. He attended one meeting and the August meeting was cancelled.

Mr. Vetere served on the Westchester Community College Coop Extension Board for 10 years and was a member of the Harrison Town Board for 10 years, and he also served 5 years on the Zoning Board. His knowledge and experience of County Parks has grown throughout the years. When asked by Mrs. Swanson what project would he like to see through the 2007 Budget, he replied the Saxon Wood Park and pool, which is a gem to the county.

All members were impressed with Mr. Vetere’s experience and familiar with his background and thanked him for volunteering his time.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Swanson, the appointment was moved and approved. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 5-0.


Norma Johnson: Is a resident of Cortlandt Manor and she is a retired teacher of Language and Arts for the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades in Peekskill Middle school. For the past two years, she has tutored at Dobbs Ferry High School and also taught women at the Bedford Correctional Facility. She read the newspaper article in the Journal News and forwarded her resume to apply for the public member position on the Board.

Several members of the committee explained the composition of the Rent Guidelines Board and the relationship to the NYS Renewal Division and all members of this board must have fairness in decision-making.

Ms. Jones said it seems you have to pay attention and agreed that listening is important to make a fair and sound decision. She believes everyone has an opinion and has to have the opportunity to make that opinion known. When asked if meeting in White Plains after 5 p.m. would be a problem, Ms. Johnson said no and would be able to make a commitment.

Mrs. Swanson explained that there are several others to be interview, and thanked Ms. Johnson for her interest and taking her time to come before the Committee.


Blanche Kruk: Is a resident of Cortlandt Manor and has been appointed as an At-Large member by the CE for a term to expire on December 31, 2007. She has attended several meetings during the past year on a volunteer basis.

Presently, Ms. Kruck is not employed, but she has assisted on numerous outreach programs. She holds a Masters, Bachelors and Associates Degrees in Fashion Buying and Merchandising from F.I.T. in New York City and has spent 14 years in the apparel business that with her experience and knowledge can be useful to the Women’s Advisory Board, especially for the Mentoring Programs.

All members were impressed with Ms. Kruk’s background, education and experience and thanked her for volunteering her time to the County.

On the motion of Legislator Swanson, seconded by Legislator Bronz, the appointment is hereby approved. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 4-0 (Oros out for vote).


Michael Abraham: Is a resident of Ossining and appointed by the CE and has attended several meetings since February. His job has taken him overseas during the first year of his appointment, but it since has subsided and he can focus more now and fulfill his commitment to the Board.

This is the first time he has served on a Board such as this and he has been interactive with the Youth Board and several schools to set up a seminar on gang violence. The group made a presentation in April and had a very good and positive response, and various counties were involved.

Mrs. Stewart-Cousins notices his extensive financial background and asked why he chose to volunteer for the Youth Board. He replied that his expertise is in business analysis and his wife encouraged him to broaden his expertise and knowledge and apply to our youth programs.

Mr. Pinto appreciates Mr. Abraham’s hands-on approach to help our young people and welcomed his experiences to the Board.

Mrs. Swanson thanked Mr. Abraham for volunteering his time and welcomed him to committee any time he feels there is any youth issue that the Board of Legislators may be able to assist with.

On the motion of Legislator Swanson, seconded by Legislator Bronz, the appointment is hereby approved. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried (Oros out for vote).

With no other business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.

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