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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 2007, AT 3:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chair: Swanson. Members: Bronz, Jenkins, Pinto, Oros, Ryan. Staff: Vita.

GUESTS: Albert Annunziata, Ken Nilsen, Jeff Hanley, Director and Members of the Building & Realty Institute of Westchester. CEO’s Office: William Randolph.

Mrs. Swanson called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m., welcoming Dr. Grant Mitchell, the newly appointed Commissioner of the Community Mental Health Department.


Dr. Grant E. Mitchell, M. D.: Is a resident of Goldens Bridge, New York and was appointed by the County Executive effective March 19, 2007 to serve as the Commissioner of the County’s Department of Community Mental Health. The CE made a through review of Dr. Mitchell’s credentials and experience and determined his appointment to this position in the best interests of the Department and of the County of Westchester, and urges the Board of Legislators to confirm his appointment.

Dr. Mitchell worked with former Commissioners Steve Friedman and Jean Schaeffer with various programs in the County and always had an interest in the Department of Mental Health. The Department has many facets that he would like to enhance such as: Clinical Services-the Department delivers clinical services through 4 clinics giving direct clinical care; Planning-the County is short on Children Services and would like to implement more programs; Grant Funding: There are several new programs that he is working on with the State Mental Health Division that offers innovative programs for providers, patients, and schools, and he will help navigate the system; Misc. Projects-Working with the District Attorney’s Office on State prison releases, the “Re-Entry program”, which is a half hour extensive psychological program and will also provide continued services by the County.

He is responsible for a staff of 140 and will try to improve all programs, especially the homeless situation. He addressed questions regarding Probation programs and said he will try to improve most programs, but there is a need for additional medical/clinical care and the need to keep the clients from continuing criminal acts. He is also working with the Health Department to put well-being programs together and have early intervention programs established in our schools.

Mrs. Swanson thanked Dr. Mitchell for his time and expertise and asked him to come back to the Committee to report his progress.

All members were impressed with his background and knowledge and unanimously agreed to appoint Dr. Mitchell as the new Commissioner of Community Mental Health. Moved by Legislator Bronz, seconded by Legislator Pinto, all in favor, one opposed, motion carried 3-0.


On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Bronz, the following reappointments were approved and moved by a 3-0 vote:

Dr. Julius Ford-African American Advisory Board;

Charles Jennings, PhD-Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board;

Roland Faucher-Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board;

Daniel S. Franklin, Jr.-Citizens’ Consumer Advisory Council;

Kris Komorowski-Citizens Consumer Advisory Council;

Henry P. Bergson-Fire Advisory Board;

Anthony Bosco-Fire Advisory Board;

Robert Zipf-Refuse Disposal District #1 Advisory Board;

William Regan-Electrical Licensing Board.

The reappointment of Vincent A. DeIorio to the Board of Ethics was held over by Mrs. Swanson pending clarification of his residence.

The reappointment of William Regan to the Electrical Licensing Board is pending discussions in the Legislation committee regarding ongoing problems.

On the motion of Legislator Swanson, the committee recessed until 4 p.m. to discuss the Rent Guideline Board nominations.


Mrs. Swanson reconvened at 4:06 to discuss the nomination for the two vacancies for the Public Member position on the Rent Guidelines Board.

On the motion of Legislator Swanson, seconded by Legislator Bronz, Mr. Sterling Jasper of New Rochelle, New York was recommitted to the Committee for a vote.

Mrs. Swanson re-nominated Mr. Sterling Jasper of New Rochelle, New York as a candidate for the position. Mr. Jasper was highly recommended by the Committee in September, and the Resolution to recommend him to the NYS Commission was recommitted by Legislator Abinanti at the Board meeting.

Mrs. Swanson spoke with Michael Rosenblatt, Assistant Commission of the NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal and he had no objection with this nomination. He also suggested that this committee write to the existing members and asked if they would like to continue on the Board or this committee can use the pool of applicants to choose additional members or begin a new list of applicants, which would require public announcement.

At this time, the committee moved into Executive Session at 4:15 for discussions of the qualifications and eligibility of the applicants for the Public Member vacancies on the Westchester County Rent Guidelines Board. Motion made by Legislator Oros, seconded by Legislator Bronz, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried 6-0.

The Committee moved out of Executive Session at 4:38 to nominate and vote for the Public Member of the Rent Guidelines Board, on the motion of Legislator Bronz, seconded by Legislator Pinto, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Sterling Jasper was nominated from the first group of applicants from committee meetings held in September 2006. Mr. Jasper holds an MBA in Economics and Finance, and he has an extensive background and he currently is employed as a Certified Financial Manager with Merrill Lynch. The Committee finds him highly qualified for this position. On the motion of Legislator Oros, seconded by Legislator Bronz, the nomination was approved by a 5-0 vote (Ryan out for vote), all in favor none opposed.

Mr. Timothy Collins, Esq., a resident of Irvington, New York and a partner with Collins, Dobkin & Miller, LLP, was nominated by Legislators Pinto and Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins stated Mr. Collins’ background as a former member and Executive Director of the New York City Rent Guidelines Board, can be an asset to the RGB, and would recuse himself from any conflict.

Mr. Pinto was impressed with both his background as a former member of the New York City RGB and as an Assistant Attorney General for the New York State Department of Law, Real Estate Financing Bureau.

Mrs. Bronz stated that there is a good pool of candidates and the committee needs to choose a candidate with the experience and background that will fulfill the needs of the RGB and have and unbiased and fair opinion at the Board’s hearings.

Mr. Oros mentioned that he thought Mr. Collins, as Counselor for the NYS Board, litigated for tenants and he raised the question of fair negotiations and feels there may be a clash of opinions during the Board hearings.

Mrs. Swanson recognized Mr. Albert Annunziata, Executive Director of the Builders Institute to address the Committee. He stated to the Committee, that Mr. Collins has appeared at the Rent Guidelines Board on several occasion, and that he is very pro-tenant, which is recorded on tape. Yes, he feels he is a great tenant advocate with experience in housing, but he feels this applicant would not be a good public member and would not have an un-bias opinion, and would favor tenants.

After re-reading Mr. Collins’ resume, Mr. Jenkins mentioned that as a lawyer, he largely represented tenants. Mr. Oros also noted that he represents and favors more toward tenants and landlords as well.

Mrs. Swanson said it was disheartening to find out that he appeared at the Westchester County rent Guideline Board and he did not mention his purpose during his interview.

Mr. Pinto asked the representatives of the Builders Institute to elaborate on Mr. Collins behavior at these meetings, and Mr. Annunziata mentioned that he was always pro-tenant, which would indicate a conflict.

Mr. Oros said it brings a good point that he probably would make a good tenant member, instead of a public member. Mr. Nilsen stated that the County RGB needs qualified people who are un-biased to balance out the Board.

Mr. Jenkins said he would expect, as an attorney, he would come to the Board with an unbiased opinion. Mr. Oros agreed and added as a decision-maker, he is "uneasy” with his résumé reading “briefing tenants”.

Mrs. Swanson called for a motion to nominate Timothy Collins as a Public Member of the Rent Guidelines Board. On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the nomination was defeated 3-2 (Ryan was out the vote). The nomination was withdrawn by Legislators Pinto and Jenkins.

Mrs. Swanson thanked the members of the Builders Institute for coming forward with their information, although she would have appreciated it sooner, but she appreciated their efforts.

Once again, Mrs. Swanson called for another nominee for the Public Member vacancy.

Legislator Oros nominated Mr. Keith Parker, seconded by Legislator Bronz, all in favor, none opposed. Motion carried 6-0.

Mr. Parker is a resident of New Rochelle, New York and has 20 years in examination and bank regulatory experience as a Senior Bank Examiner with the Federal Serve Bank of New York. Prior to that, he was a Bank compliance Examiner with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, where he conducted comprehensive bank examinations and risk assessments relating to consumer protection, fair lending, civil rights, community reinvestment and other compliances related statutes.

The Committee members agreed that Mr. Parker was a better qualified and experience nomination for the Rent Guidelines Board.

On the motion of Legislator Oros, seconded by Legislator Bronz, the recommendation of Mr. Keith Parker is hereby approved by a 6-0 vote. All in favor none opposed.

Mrs. Swanson mentioned that this committee was tenacious about qualifying candidates for the Rent Guidelines Board and thanked them for a long and productive decision and appreciates their cooperation throughout the entire process. She hopes that the State will also make the same recommendations and appoint Mr. Jasper and Mr. Parker.

With no other business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.

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