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WEDNESDAY, March 22, 2006; 1:p.m.

PRESENT: Chair: Swanson. Members: Bronz, Oros, Pinto, Ryan, Stewart-Cousins. Staff: Vita, Abinanti, Boland, Kriss. CEO’s office: Randolph.

GUESTS: Tamar Bauer-Nominee-Westchester Health Care Corporation.

Mrs. Swanson called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.


Tamar Bauer is a resident of Tarrytown, New York, and has been recommended by County Legislator Tom Abinanti for a voting position on the WCHCC Board of Directors. Ms. Bauer is currently the Executive Director at the New York Academy of Medicine and for the past eight years, she was Consultant at the hospital. As a part of the Nursing Family Partnership Agency where she assists to ID funding sources for less expensive and low-income residents. Funding sources comes from a various mix of funds from private foundation support and/or Title 5 (public funding sources).

Several committee members asked about her flexibility to attend monthly meetings that would compliment a full quorum at Board meetings, Ms. Bauer replied that she comes from an extensive background in the private sector and travels monthly back and forth to Denver, Colorado on business, which would not interfere with her responsibility to the WCHCC.

Mrs. Stewart-Cousins asked what strengths she would take to the Board. Ms. Bauer said she has an array of abilities that would be an asset to the strategies facing the hospital, as she is familiar with incidents of hospital functions, and she would work to increase the enrollment of the hospital, which is her secondary area of expertise.

Mr. Abinanti stands by Ms. Bauer’s nomination because of her excellent background and that she would be an asset to the Hospital Board.

Mrs. Swanson thanked Ms. Bauer for taking time out of her busy schedule to come in on short notice and mentioned there are others currently being interviewed for the position and will be notified of the committee’s decision.

With no other business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m., and will reconvene at 4:00 p.m. to continue interviews with nominees and regular committee business.

Minutes submitted by: Emilia Vita

Approved by:

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