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MEMBERS: Chair: Lou Mosiello; Legislators: Rogowsky, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Ettere; CEO: Andrew Neuman; DOT: Larry Salley, Harry Stanton, Richard Stiller, Ying Andrews; BUDGET: Christopher Burkart; OTHERS: Maureen Morgan

The meeting was called to order at 12:16 p.m.

Item #2 - IMA

Item # 2 is a proposed act that would authorize the County to amend Act. No. 198-2003 in order to allow the Department of Emergency Services to enter into intermunicipal agreements with local municipalities for the use of County-owned shuttle vans.

The amendment would also allow any municipality to lease as many vehicles as may be needed by each local municipality at the rate of one dollar per vehicle, per year.

The use of these vehicles would vary from carrying relief crews to and from emergency scenes, to serving as rehabiliation vehicles for on-scene incidents, to providing transport for specialized equipment needed to combat today’s constant threat of terrorism.

The act contains a sunset provision and, if passed, will be effective until 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2005.

Commissioner Sutton, DES, was present to brief the members and answer any questions. Legislator Mosiello asked that DES, when evaluating municipalities for the need for these vehicles, specifically consider the size of a municipality. Legislator Mosiello noted previous discussions with the Yonkers Fire Commissioner and requested, on behalf of the Commissioner, that a second vehicle be leased to Yonkers as soon as possible.

Legislator Rogowsky made a motion to approve Item #2 and it was seconded by Legislator Ryan. The vote was 3-0.

DOT Presentation – Overview of Department

Commissioner Salley and Mr. Stanton, DOT, gave a PowerPoint presentation {on file} that detailed the Department’s functions and oversights.

There was some discussion.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, Legislator Mosiello asked that DOT come back on a future date to finish its presentation.

On motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator Mosiello, the meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

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