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MINUTES:June 7, 2004

COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair: Abinanti – Legislator: Oros

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard; CEO: Bill Randolph SWC: Bruce Berger OTHERS: Maryanne Harkins; Cesare Manfredi

TOPIC: Proposed Revisions to the Solid Waste Law


Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 3:45pm.

Chair Abinanti asked Bruce Berger, Director of the County’s Solid Waste Commission (SWC), to join the committee members at the table. A lengthy discussion began with regards to the proposed changes to the County’s Solid Waste Law, such as the definitions and fee structure. Chair Abinanti particularly wanted to define “transfer station”, and also noted that he is in favor of licensing everything. Legislator Oros responded by stating that licensing everything does not help enforcement, which he sees as a primary concern. Legislator Oros also stated that he is interested in defining what is to be considered trash, construction & debris (C&D), etc.

Mr. Berger noted that with regards to “processing facilities”, most are permitted by the NYSDEC and those that aren’t would report to WCDEF. He also noted that composting facilities are exempt from DEC permitting.

With regards to definitions, Mr. Berger advised the committee members that classes differ under transfer stations (A,B,C, etc..), processing facilities, and so on. A fee scheduled was discussed, but everyone agreed further discussion would be necessary.

Legislator Oros stated that he sees this as a public safety function. He also noted that in his opinion, this law should not be written around the attempt of being revenue-neutral, as it would limit what can actually be done with the law. The committee members agreed that they would continue this discussion at their next meeting.

Chair Abinanti moved the minutes of the March 29th meeting. Seconded by Legislator Oros, all in favor – aye (passed 2-0).

At 5:00pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Chair Abinanti. Seconded by Legislator Oros, all in favor – aye.

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