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MINUTES: August 29, 2005

COMMITTEE ON SOLID WASTE & RECYCLABLES: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Ryan, Oros

COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT: Chair: Abinanti – Legislators: Rogowsky, Myers, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL STAFF: Tara Bernard OTHERS: Karen Ramos (CAO), S. Neuman (CEO), Charles Goldberger (Attorney rep. Amodio), Louis Vetrene (SWC), Bruce Berger (SWC), many White Plains residents (list on file)

TOPIC: Amodio’s Garden in White Plains


Chair Abinanti called the meeting to order at 1:25pm.

Legislator Ryan explained “why we are here today” and provided an overview of the situation, to allow those who have expressed concern to voice their disquiet in reference to Amodio’s Garden, which is allegedly operating as a transfer station (without a license) in a residential area of White Plains not zoned for that type of business.

The following speakers then made the following statements:

Glen Hockley complained of odor and very loud noise in the morning.

Anneke Paleokrassas of 20 Hillair Circle, White Plains in 1999 complained to Amodio about the following: burning wood chips and rock crushing, dust particles flying around (precludes opening windows), backyard abuts Amodio’s backyard.

Sheila Hamburg of 3 Saxon Wood Pk. Drive said it has become an industrial park (construction site). Page 1 of 2

Laura Green of 122 Saxon Woods Rd. explained that the issue is not just one over abutting properties, but nuisance (noise – banging).

Heidi Brown (5 Saxon Woods Park Drive) moved to area in 2000; can see smoke emanating, along with dirt, noise, smell – also sees 18-wheelers, actual rock crushers (very loud).

The City of White Plains is involved in zoning lawsuit with Amodio’s Garden.

Chair Ryan and Chair Abinanti requested that the SWC inspect Amodio’s and report their findings to this committee.

At 4:35pm, Legislator Myers made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Legislator LaMotte, all in favor – aye.

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