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MINUTES: April 25, 2005

MEMBERS: Acting Legislation Chair: Pinto, Legislators: Myers, Burrows, Abinanti, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE BOL: Ann Giordano, CE: Kevin Ryan, Andrew Neuman, LWVW: Rosemary MacLaughlin, Solid Waste Commission: Louis Vetrone

Acting Chair for Legislation Committee, Pinto called the meeting of Legislation to order at 1:25 p.m.

Legislator Abinanti called the meeting on Solid Waste & Recyclables to order 1:24 p.m.

The committee members read over the minutes from previous meetings (March 21, 2005 and March 28, 2005) and decided they needed some editions and decided the committee will go over them at the next Legislation Committee Meeting.

Legislator Abinanti who has been instrumental in the revisions of the Collection Licencying Law spoke about the revisions.

Mr. Louis Vetrone from the Solid Waste Commission ran through the changes that were made.

It was agreed that this local law will take effect immediately after its adoption.

Motion to move the legislation for all purposes was moved by Legislator Judity A. Myers and Gordon A. Burrows seconded it for the Legislation Committee.

Motion to move legislation for all purposes was moved by Legislator William J. Ryan and seconded by Legislator Thomas J. Abinanti for the Solid Waste & Recylables Committee.

Acting Chairman Vito Pinto accepted motions to adjourn from Legislator Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Judith A. Myers.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:43 pm

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