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Seniors MEMBERS: Chair: B. Spreckman; Legislators: J. Alvarado, A. Stewart-Cousins, L. Bronz

Health MEMBERS: Chair: A. Stewart-Cousins, T. Abinanti, J. Myers, J. Alvarado, L. Bronz

With a quorum present Chairman Spreckman called to order The Committee on Seniors at 1:10.

With a quorum present Chairman Stewart-Cousins called to order The Committee on Health at 1:10.

Chair Stewart-Cousins introduced the members of the health committee and thanked Chairman Spreckman for working with her on this important issue.

Chair Spreckman introduced the members of the Seniors Committee and gave an overview of the issues seniors are facing regarding Medicare.

Shawna Irish from the Medicare Rights Center discussed what people’s options are and what they can do to get help with Medicare. She works with Seniors Out Speaking (SOS Medicare). She gave a general overview of prescription drug benefits and talked about the differences in part A, part B and part D and how they work. People need to choose a Medicaid plan or they will automatically be put into a plan. A Medicare Rights Hotline number was distributed for people to call.

Mae Carpenter, Westchester County Director of Senior services is working in conjunction with the Medicare Rights Center to train people to easily work with the new Medicare system. She will announce the dates of those seminars when they are available.

Laura Mulvihill from NYS EPIC discussed how they will continue to help seniors pay for their prescription drugs. The qualifications are that you must be 65 or older, a resident of NYS, a single person household with an income of 35,000 per year or a double person household at $50,000 annually. If you have better prescription coverage for your personal situation you do not need to do anything. After taking some questions she then informed everyone how the system will work with the Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage. People need to print out a list of all the medicines they take and find out from there pharmacist which plans they are accepting which will cover their medicine. By law people must receive there credible coverage letter by November 15.

Lani Sanjek from Statewide Senior Action Council discussed her concerns about the marketing of what the impacts of the drug benefits and Medicare are. There will be many more company’s trying to sell people plans after October 1st. Some Dr.’s and pharmacists may be affiliated with a particular plan. Make sure you know how the plan affects your benefits and the drugs you need. Dr.’s and pharmacists are not allowed to steer people towards plans where they have a financial interest. This will be monitored.

(Alvarado, Stewart-Cousins) move to adopt the minutes of April 25, 2005 for the Committee on Health and the Committee on Seniors

(Myers, Alvarado) move to adjourn The Committee on Health. Motion approved 4-0.
The Committee on Health adjourned at 2:54 p.m.

(Bronz, Spreckman) move to adjourn The Committee on Seniors.
Motion approved 3-0. The Committee on Seniors adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

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