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MEMBERS: CHAIR: Bernice Spreckman, LEGISLATORS: Lois Bronz, Jose Alvarado, Vito Pinto

IN ATTENDANCE: SENIOR TASK FORCE: Phyllis Plonski, Lucy Monteleone, James Crook, Albert Gorges, Ann Gorges, Terry Scatola, Tony Scatola, Daniel Sambol, WCDSPS: Dozene Guishard, NYSTATEWIDE SENIOR ACTION COUNCIL: Lani Sanjek; WJCS: Judy Fink: YONKERS OFFICE FOR THE AGING: Kathy Moran; SRS WFWC HOUSING : Ela Hathaway; OTHER: Harry Spreckman; STAFF: Sally Schecter; PAST PRESIDENT OF NYS COUNCIL OF SENIOR CITIZENS: Eleanor Litwak

The meeting was called to order at 10:46 a.m. by Chair Bernice Spreckman.

Chair Spreckman then introduced the speaker, Eleanor Litwak, who was going to give an overview of Social Security and President Bush’s Plans for Social Security.

Ms. Litwak said Bush is frightening people by telling them that Social Security is going broke and is in danger of bankruptcy. According to Ms. Litwak, there is a possibility of a shortfall in the next fifty years. This depends on the economy. If the economy is strong, more money is put into the system and conversely if the economy is weak, less money is put in. There have been changes over the years, changes with a purpose in mind. The baby boomers were a big generation and measures had to be taken to bring money into the system. People who make more money should pay more. Bush was elected because he had the right values and responsibility.

Social Security was not meant to make you wealthy, it was designed only to help you. It was meant as an insurance policy to protect the people so they could live with dignity and enjoy themselves. Ms. Litwak said President Bush is proposing that money be invested by private investment firms but there won’t be enough income to live on so the people will have to have an annuity. The polls show that fewer people are supporting the president.

There was concern raised about preserving EPIC.

The next Senior Committee meeting is April 18. The Committee needs to know who will be going to Albany on May 4 at that meeting.

On the motion of Lois Bronz, seconded by Jose Alvarado, the minutes of April 30, 2004, May 5, 2004, June 21, 2004, September 20, 2004, October 18, 2004 and November 15, 2004 were approved.

On the motion of Lois Bronz, seconded by Jose Alvarado, the meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.

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