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MINUTES: May 5, 2004

RUles Committee MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Oros, Ryan


Meeting called to order by Chair Young at 9:55 a.m.

Legislator Oros made a motion to approve the minutes for January 7, 2004 and February 9, 2004. Seconded by Legislator Ryan. All in favor – Aye.

The Committee discussed the Board Rules Resolution (on file).

Discussion continued from the prior committee meeting regarding the Resolution pertaining to the use of the Legislative facilities (8th floor - Chambers, Rotunda, committee rooms, hallway and reception area). Legislative facilities which are governmental offices, need to uphold public safety and the highest level of security within its premises as a primary concern. The Rules Committee will consider requests from the public on a one by one case.

The proposed rules do not in any way limit the present legislator powers. The Westchester County Board of Legislators and individual Legislators will continue to sponsor events, in which the public may be invited, that are associated with the business of the legislative duties. The limitations in place will continue to allow community based organizations to participate in the legislative process. These limitations will be implemented by the Chief of Staff/Clerk of the Board.

Legislator Oros made a motion to vote on Resolution. Seconded by Legislator Ryan. All in favor – Aye.

Legislator Ryan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Seconded by Legislator Oros. All in favor – Aye.

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