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MINUTES: June 14, 2004

Rules Committee MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Oros, Ryan


Meeting called to order by Chair Young at 9:40 a.m.

Legislator Oros made a motion to approve the minutes of May 5, 2004. Seconded by Legislator Ryan. All in favor – Aye.

The Committee discussed an e-mail from Legislator Robert Astorino in which he states that he will sponsor the Women’s Equality Group and therefore allow them the use of the Board facilities. The Committee members indicated that the current rules establish that any Legislator sponsoring an event is responsible for the overall coordination of the event and his presence is required.

Legislator Oros made a motion allowing Legislator Astorino to sponsor the group. Seconded by Legislator Ryan. All in favor – Aye.

Legislator Oros made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 a.m. Seconded by Legislator Ryan. All in favor – Aye.

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