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MINUTES: January 7, 2004

RULES COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Ryan, Oros, Wishnie

IN ATTENDANCE STAFF: Perry Ochacher, Gary Kriss, Tina Seckerson


Chairman Young called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m.


1) Organizational Items

· On motion of Legislator Oros, seconded by Legislator Ryan, the motion to approve 3 as the Committee quorum was approved by a vote of 4-0.

2) Board Rules

· Committee discussed and recommended adoption of various amendments to Board Rules One, Six, Twenty, and Twenty-eight, as well as a resolution delegating to the Chairman of the Board the power to appoint necessary Board employees other than the Clerk of the Board and the power to perform administrative duties related to Board personnel for the 2004-2005 term.

3) Board Committees

· It was discussed and agreed that the Chairman of the Board has the authority to form Committees, Special Committees and Task Forces.

4) Contingency Budget Resolution

· Legislator Ryan explained that this is a restatement, in resolution form, of the Board’s intention to take the necessary action to amend the 2004 budget.

5) Compensation Advisory Board Report

· Response to Herman Geist will go out thanking the Board members for their time and effort.

· Changes, if any, will be outlined.


There being no further items for discussion, on motion of Legislator Ryan, seconded by Legislator Oros, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m.

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