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MINUTES: January 10, 2005

COMMITTEE on RULES MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Ryan, Wishnie

IN ATTENDANCE: LEGISLATOR: Pinto STAFF: Chang, Pérez, Kriss LAW: Linda Trentacoste

Meeting called to order by Chair Young at 9:45 a.m.

Legislator Ryan made a motion to approve the minutes of October 13, 2004. Seconded by Legislator Wishnie. All in favor – Aye.

Legislator Young presented two resolutions to determine the date for a Special Election in order to fill the vacated seats held by former County Legislator George Latimer, representing the 7th District, and former County Legislator Louis A. Mosiello, representing the 15th District. The Board of Elections recommended February 15, 2005 as a feasible date for the Special Election.

Legislator Wishnie made a motion to vote on both Resolutions. Seconded by Legislator Ryan. All in favor – Aye.

Legislator Wishnie questioned the cost of the Special Elections. Legislator Ryan stated that because the November elections had already determined the two vacancies, the money was allocated in the 2005 Budget. Legislator Wishnie asked if County Legislator Andrea Stewart-Cousins seat becomes vacant, if the elections will be held on the same date. Legislator Young explained that because is at the Appellate Court it is difficult to determine when the election might take place, if at all.

Gary Kriss informed the Committee that Minority Leader, Honorable George Oros was made aware of today’s meeting and the agenda. Legislator Young spoke to Legislator Oros and he did not indicate any objections to the proposed date.

Legislator Wishnie made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 am. Seconded by Legislator Ryan. All in favor – Aye.

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