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Joint with the Committee on Cultural & Ethnic Diversity

MINUTES: June 14, 2005

COMMITTEE on PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Oros, Pinto, Rogowsky

CULTURAL & ETHNIC DIVERSITY MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Oros, Pinto

IN ATTENDANCE: DPW: Commissioner Butler; CEO: Bill Randolph; DEF: Robert Matarazzo; PLANNING: Commissioner Mulligan, Jeff Williams, Robert Lopane; PARKS: Peter Neglia; STAFF: Pérez, Bochow

Meeting called to order at 9:37 am.

IMA: Act authorizing the County to enter into IMA’s with local municipalities for snow and ice control on County roads within their boundaries.

Commissioner Butler, Department of Public Works, explained that the agreement is a 5 year contract with a lump sum payment that will increase annually for the duration of the contract and the increase is based on the CPI.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the item was carried (4-0).

RGIP2 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $2,000,000 in bonds to finance General Infrastructure Comfort Stations.

Peter Neglia, Department of Parks & Recreation, explained the need to replace the comfort stations in various locations. The last renovation took place during the late 1960’s.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the item was carried (4-0).

SPC01 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $6,760,000 in County Bonds for Performance Maintenance, Port Chester Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Robert Matarazzo, Department of Environmental Facilities, briefly discussed the project.

On the motion of Legislator Oros, seconded by Legislator Pinto the item was carried (4-0).

SOS75 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $1,700,000 in County Bonds for Pump Station Rehabilitation, Ossining Sanitary Sewer District.

Robert Matarazzo, Department of Environmental Facilities, briefly discussed the project.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Oros the item was carried (4-0).

SPK03 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $1,200,000 in County Bonds for Upgrade of Electrical Systems, Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District.

Robert Matarazzo, Department of Environmental Facilities, briefly discussed the project.

On the motion of Legislator Oros, seconded by Legislator Pinto the item was carried (4-0).

SNY75 - Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $200,000 in County Bonds for Pump Station Rehabilitation.

Robert Matarazzo, Department of Environmental Facilities, briefly discussed the project.

On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator Pinto the item was carried (4-0).

Committee on Cultural & Ethnic Diversity called to order at 10:08 am.

Jeff Williams, Department of Planning, provided an update on the Dr. Martin Luther King Monument. The location at the Plaza in the Courthouse is a key element at this point.

Legislator Young inquired about the possibility of having the monument ready for the 20th Anniversary of the Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday.

Commissioner Ralph Butler, Department of Public Works, explained that choosing the location is critical to determine the base for the structure. He also stated the once the final site is determined, then it’s up to the sculptor as to how long the project will take to be finalized.

Legislator Pinto would like to know what needs to be done in order to meet the deadline.

On the motion of Legislator Oros, seconded by Legislator Pinto the CED meeting adjourned at 10:15 am.

BPL11- Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $1,075,000 in County bonds to finance extension of the Bronx River Pathway from Harney Road to Crane Road.

Commissioner Mulligan, Department of Planning, gave a brief presentation on the Bronx River Pathway project.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the item was carried (3-0).

Property Conveyance: Act authorizing the County to enter into an agreement wit the Village of Croton-on-Hudson whereby the County will convey an access road to the Village.

Commissioner Mulligan gave a brief presentation. This project has no fiscal impact for the county. The Village will take full responsibility for the maintenance of the pathway.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the item was carried (4-0).

Public Work Minutes

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the minutes for May 10, 2005 were approved (3-0).

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky the meeting adjourned at 10:25 am.

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