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Joint with the Committee on Cultural & Ethnic Diversity

MINUTES: JULY 12, 2005

COMMITTEE ON Cultural & ethnic diversity MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Alvarado, Bronz, Oros, & Pinto

committee ON public works MEMBERS: Chair: Young; Legislators: Oros, Pinto, & Rogowsky

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: Bill Randolph; DPW: Ralph Butler; PLANNING: Jeffrey Williams; BOL STAFF: Bochow, Pérez; GUESTS: Milton Sherrill, Kenneth Plummer

Meeting called to order at 9:37 am.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Oros the minutes for the June 28, 2005 meeting of the Committee on Public Works were approved (4-0).

Legislator Young introduced a letter from Legislator Pinto on replacing missing reflectors for “in-ground” reflector plates presently installed along the Bronx River Parkway.

Legislator Pinto reinforced his letter by saying that he would appreciate the attention of Commissioner Ralph Butler and Commissioner Thomas Belfiore to this matter.

Legislator Young then introduced the Update of the Dr. Martin Luther King Monument by indicating that he had a site visit at the Westchester County Courthouse at 8:30 a.m. on July 12, 2005.

Ralph Butler, Dept. of Public Works, stated that he showed Legislator Young three (3) possible locations. He stated further that the monument needed to be located on a column line and would also need to be approved by White Plains Urban Renewal and the Office of Court Administration (OCA). Comm. Butler said that he foresaw no problem with either entity.

Legislator Young indicated that a location was selected that was fifty (50) feet in front of the courthouse signage and would likely not require such signage to be moved. He added that the location would allow the monument to be most visible to pedestrians.

Legislator Bronz initiated a discussion of creating a definitive timeline with regard to having the monument completed by January 2006.

Legislator Pinto asked if there could be a rendering of the site with the monument in place.

Legislator Oros asked of what material the pedestal that the monument would be set on would be made.

Commissioner Butler stated that the pedestal would be granite.

Jeff Williams, Dept. of Planning, joined the discussion of a creating a timeline. He indicated that he was briefed on the decision for a location of the monument, but said that he was still awaiting revised cost figures so that the actual bonding process could begin.

Legislator Young indicated that money for the monument was already put in the capital projects budget for this fiscal year.

Milton Sherrill, the artist commissioned to complete the monument, gave the committees an idea of the time that is required for the physical completion of the monument. Enlargement will take up to two months; Molding will take a month; and Casting will take approximately six to eight weeks.

Legislator Pinto stressed the need for accurate estimates when revising the cost summary.

Legislator Oros expressed the need to expedite the process due to time it will take to physically complete the monument.

Legislator Young asked for all parties to remain after the meeting to discuss the creation of a realistic timeline that works backwards from January 2006 to today, July 12, 2005.

On the motion of Legislator Alvarado, seconded by Legislator Bronz the meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

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