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MINUTES: JUNE 15, 2004 AT 9:30 AM


Legislators Oros, Pinto; STAFF PRESENT: P. Neglia, J. Perez

IN ATTENDANCE: Comm. Butler (DPW); A. Neuman (CE’s office); Robert Matarazzo (DEF)



Meeting called to order by Chairman Young at 9:30 AM.

Legislator Pinto made a motion to approve the following Committee on Public Works minutes; second by Legislator Oros: March 22, 2004; April 13, 2004; April 27, 2004

Legislator Oros made a motion to approve the following Committee on Public Works minutes; second by Legislator Oros: May 4, 2004; May 24, 2004.

Legislator Oros commented that in the minutes for April 27, 2004 there was an item voted out of Committee concerning the modification of the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by adding 1 parcel located at the site of the Baldwin Shopping Center in the Town of Somers and if it was approved it would “lose control of the flow;” and just last week there was a proposal for some 60 units in Somers right near the shopping center to come into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. Once you open a door to these expansions, it’s hard to deny other people along the other lines the right to come, although he will work to make sure it happens.


RB043 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $500,000 in bonds to fund the Design in Connection with the Reconstruction on Hardscrabble Road, County Road no. 138, North Salem. (03/22/04 – Also referred to B&A) {SIGNED OUT OF B&A on 04/19/04; SIGNED OUT of PUBLIC WORKS on 04/27/04} (ON BOARD AGENDA 05/10/04; RECOMMITTED ON 05/10/04)

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

RB073 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $200,000 to finance the cost of design, construction management and construction on Jay St., County rd. 307. (03/22/04 - Also referred to B&A) {SIGNED OUT OF B&A on 04/19/04; SIGNED OUT OF PUBLIC WORKS on 04/27/04} (ON BOARD AGENDA 05/10/04; RECOMMITTED ON 05/10/04)

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

RB105 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $1,300,000 in bonds to finance the Countywide Road Rehabilitation Program. (05/10/04 – Also referred to B&A) {This Bond Act is connected with Agenda Item # 11) {SIGNED OUT of B&A on 06/07/04}

Comm. Butler (DPW) stated that this is a capital budget amendment to add in four (4) roads: Anderson Hill Rd., North St., Underhill Ave., and the Armonk Road Connector. Due to the harsh winter this past year, these roads are beyond “pothole” repair and are in dire need of repair and repaving.

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

RB017 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $2,100,000 in bonds (which includes $300,000 in previously authorized bonds of the County) to finance the following capital project: Old Mamaroneck Road, CR #26, White Plains. (05/10/04 – Also referred to B&A) {SIGNED OUT of B&A on 06/14/04}

Comm. Butler (DPW) stated that this project is ready for the construction phase of 1.7 miles of road which averages 9,000 vehicles a day traveling on it. The last time this road was worked on was in 1965.

Moved by Legislator Oros; Second by Legislator Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

P0004 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $1,000,000 in bonds to finance the Bronx River Parkway Repaving Program. (05/24/04 – Also referred to B&A)

Comm. Butler (DPW) stated that the paving marking system will be dramatically improved and that the lighting system on the parkway will be removed once and for all. It will save the County approximately $10,000 a month in electrical bills for the lighting. This bonding is for design and construction.

Leg. Pinto suggested that a slide presentation be given to the local municipalities for educational purposes on this project.

Chairman Young questioned whether the County has received any State funding for this project and would like to see a cost-analysis to determine if it is beneficial to go out for one entire bid for a project rather that doing projects in “piece-meal.”

Comm. Butler (DPW) stated not for this project; but there are other County projects that the County receives State funding.

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

SPC01 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $2,240,000 in bonds to finance the Port Chester Treatment Plant Performance Maintenance. (04/13/04 – Also referred to B&A) {SIGNED OUT OF B&A on 06/14/04}

R. Matarrazzo (DEF) stated this bonding is for design and construction management for the HVAC units at the plant to keep the plant running in a safe and efficient manner.

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

SY009 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $825,000 in bonds to finance the Yonkers Waste Water Treatment Plant. (04/13/04 – Also referred to B&A) {SIGNED OUT of B&A on 06/14/04}

R. Matarrazo (DEF) stated that this bonding for design and construction management for the HVAC units at the plant to keep the plant running in a safe and efficient manner.

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

SY022 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $5,200,000 in bonds to finance the Yonkers Joint Treatment Plant Secondary Digester System Upgrade. (04/13/04 – Also referred to B&A)

R. Matarrazzo (DEF) stated that this is the construction money for the project.

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

SY023 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $2,200,000 in bonds to finance the Yonkers Joint Treatment Plant Primary System Rehabilitation. (04/13/04 – Also referred to B&A)

Moved by Legislator Oros; Second by Legislator Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

SY037 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance $1,000,000 in bonds to finance the Yonkers Joint Treatment Plant Cellular Bulkhead Rehabilitation (04/13/04 – Also referred to B&A)

R. Matarrazzo (DEF) stated that this bonding is only for the design and construction management of the project.

Moved by Legislator Oros; Second by Legislator Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

Chairman Young requested that DPW provide the Committee with a listing of all of the work done at the Yonkers Joint Treatment Plant in the last five (5) years including who the contractors were for the design, who the contractors were for the construction, and how much each contract was for.

RD009 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $850,000 in bonds to finance Haulage Vehicles. (04/13/04 – Also referred to B&A) {SIGNED OUT of B&A on 06/07/04}

R. Matarrazzo (DEF) stated that each haulage vehicle lasts for about 200,000 miles.

Leg. Oros stated that this funding only comes out of the Solid-Waste District Budget.

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

SM075 – Bond Act authorizing the issuance of $400,000 in bonds to finance the Mamaroneck Sewer District Pump Station Rehabilitation. (05/24/04 – Also referred to B&A)

Moved by Legislator Oros; Second by Legislator Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.


11. COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Capital Budget Amendment: Act amending the 2004 Capital Budget. (05/10/04 – Also referred to B&A) {This Act is Associated with Bond Act RB105) {SIGNED OUT of B&A on 06/07/04}

Moved by Legislator Oros; Second by Legislator Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

5. HON. RICHARD WISHNIE: Sewer District Modification: Resolution from the Town of Ossining requesting the removal of six (6) unsewered town parcels located on Cedar Lane from the County Sanitary Sewer District. (05/10/04 – Also referred to B&A)

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

6. HON. GEORGE OROS: Sewer District Modification: Resolution from the Town of Yorktown requesting that one (1) parcel of land located at 2425 Sherry Drive in the Hunterbrook Sanitary Sewer District be incorporated into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (05/10/04 – Also referred to B&A)

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

8. HON. MICHAEL KAPLOWITZ: Sewer District Modification: Resolution from the Town of Yorktown requesting that nineteen (19) parcels in the Mohegan East Sewer District be incorporated into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (05/10/04 - Also referred to B&A)

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

9. HON. KAPLOWITZ: Sewer District Modification: Resolution from the Town of Yorktown requesting that eight (8) parcels in the Hunterbrook Sewer District are incorporated into the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District. (05/10/04 – Also referred to B&A)

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

13. HON. ROBERT ASTORINO: Sewer District Modification: Request from the Town of Mt. Pleasant to remove a parcel of property located at 56 Virginia Lane, Thornwood, NY from the County Saw Mill Sewer District. (05/24/04 – Also referred to B&A)

Moved by Legislator Pinto; Second by Legislator Oros. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

Chairman Young made a motion to adjourn at 10:50 AM; Second by Leg. Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – 3-0.

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Clinton I. Young, Jr.

Committee Members
George Oros
Martin Rogowsky
Richard Wishnie
Vito Pinto


Jennie Perez


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