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MINUTES – FEBRUARY 24, 2004 AT 9:30 AM


COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Young; Legislators Pinto, Rogowsky; BOL STAFF PRESENT: P. Neglia; J. Perez; B. Boland

IN ATTENDANCE: Comm. Butler (DPW); Comm. Landi (DEF); J. Morris (DEF)



Meeting called to order by Chairman Young at 9:40 AM.


#04-910 – Request authority to obtain a proposal a negotiate a fee with LiRo-Kassner, Inc. in connection with Engineering Services for the rehabilitation of the Richard A. Daronco courthouse, Phase II, White Plains, New York (#04-910) {02/13/04}

Comm. Butler (DPW) stated that a couple of weeks ago the BOL passed the agreement for the County to enter into the IMA with DASNY and OCA, where under phase III of the project, Westchester DPW will take the lead, and DASNY will no longer have a project management responsibility on the job. DASNY will be funding the job under phase III, but it will be under DPW. DPW went through their consultant files and felt that LiRo is the most qualified to do this job. They have many courthouse experiences, which currently includes the Queens, NY Courthouse, which is a very similar job to our job; so they have the experience in the design side. LiRo and their sub-consultant, JMOA, are currently working on the Penitentiary project which is under budget and ahead of schedule.

Comm. Butler (DPW) continued that he has a lot of confidence in their team and their staff to pull this together, working at the Pen and the Courthouse. They will be using the same subcontractor, JMOA, as the Penitentiary, and have called in some other sub-contractors for the mechanical and engineering part.

Comm. Butler (DPW) stated he is looking at a 9 month design timeframe before he can go out to bid, because it will be a couple of months for the advertising, bidding and awarding stage. They are probably 12-13 months away from actual construction in that tower. Timing is important for the County, the dollars that are negotiated; he can’t wait 2 years down the line, because cost escalation will affect the dollars on there.

Chairman Young stated that the BOL was criticized for not having more hands-on reports on the Courthouse and would like DPW to come in periodically to give the Public Works Committee updates and progress reports. There is a concern because of the accelerated selection process, that we don’t want to have minority owned businesses excluded because of that reason. Please have a plan to have continued inclusion of this; which is of concern to the BOL, as well as encouraging the use of Westchester County contractors.

Comm. Butler (DPW) stated that JMOA is a minority owned firm and that all bidding is open to the public and he cannot limit who bids on certain projects. They are preparing a $34 million dollar capital budget amendment for this project, indicating $34 million dollars of revenues ($9 million dollar commitment from OCA, $4 million commitment from DASNY, and the $21 million dollars worth of bond proceeds that DASNY will pull out, making the County tax levy (the capital) at zero. We are probably looking at fees for design and construction probably around the $3 million range on this project. Design will be roughly around 9 months, construction roughly 24 months, the project will be done in 2 phases: probably the upper 6 floors as phase I; the lower 7 floors, is where the major construction is, then there is some minor work on the DA’s floors, floors 6-19 will have major construction.

Bob Boland (BOL) stated that Dormitory Authority is issuing the bonds.

Comm. Butler (DPW) stated that from a capital side there is a zero tax levy. On the operating budget side there will be an impact probably in 2006.

#04-908 – Request authority to obtain a proposal and negotiate a fee with Black & Veatch, New York, LLP, in connection with Engineering Services for the Biological Nutrient Removal PILOT Program, Mamaroneck Wastewater Treatment Plant, Mamaroneck, New York (#04-908) – {02/13/04}

#04-909 – Request authority to obtain a proposal and negotiate a fee with Savin Engineers, PC, in connection with Engineering Services for the Biological Nutrient Removal PILOT Program, New Rochelle Wastewater Treatment Plant, New Rochelle, New York (#04-909) {02/13/04}

Comm. Landi (DEF) stated that LI Sound began a study back in the mid 80’s, and the USEPA got together with the states of Connecticut and New York, and they formed Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan.

New York State has now issued SPDES permits for the 4 Long Island plants In those permits they have indicated that they want the County to start on nitrogen reduction removal, and have given guides and goals of August, 2004, August, 2009 and by August, 2014 to reduce the amounts of amount of nitrogen coming out of the County’s plants by 60%.

Comm. Landi (DEF) continued that he doesn’t believe the County can meet the 2004 deadline, so they are asking to do PILOT projects at 2 facilities, Mamaroneck and New Rochelle, believing that doing it this way will a better opportunity to gives the County the biggest bang for you dollar.

Leg. Rogowsky stated that the County ultimately does not know how much this total project will cost. In terms of bonding, does the New Rochelle district have to vote to float a bond, or does the whole County vote on the New Rochelle bond? So the whole County would have to vote on it even though only the taxpayers of the New Rochelle district have to pay for it.

Comm. Landi stated that if it went to public referendum; the whole County.

After the above item was discussed, the Committee called for a recess until Tuesday, March 2, 2004 at 9:15am.

The following referrals were discussed on March 2, 2004 at 9:15 AM:


3. CLERK OF THE BOARD: Public Works Equipment: Itemized list of all machinery and equipment under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Public Works for road maintenance. (01/26/04)

Leg. Rogowsky suggested that DPW make a “life cycle cost analysis” of all the vehicles that the County has in its fleet.

Motion by Leg. Pinto to Receive and File. Second by Leg. Rogowsky. All those in favor – Aye – Carried 3-0.

5. COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Act modifying the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of two (2) parcels located in the Town of Cortlandt (Eton Lane & Lockwood Road) (returned back to the BOL on 01/26/04-also referred to B&A) {From 2003 PW Agenda #’s 50&51 referred as two separate items on 01/21/03 from the Hon. George Oros-sent down as one combined referral} (SIGNED OUT of B&A on 02/09/04)

Motion by Leg. Rogowsky for approval. Second by Leg. Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – Carried 3-0.

6. COUNTY EXECUTIVE: Sewer District Modification: Act modifying the Peekskill Sanitary Sewer District by the addition of one (1) parcel located in the Town of Cortlandt (Laurie Rd.) (returned back to the BOL on 02/09/04-also referred to B&A) {From 2003 PW Agenda #33}

Motion by Leg. Rogowsky for approval. Second by Leg. Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – Carried 3-0.

Bond Acts for Discussion:

SM015 – Authorizing the issuance of up to $250,000 in bonds to finance the Mamaroneck Sewer District pump station wide monitoring alarms. (01/26/04 – also referred to B&A) {SIGNED OUT of B&A on 02/09/04}

Motion by Leg. Rogowsky. Second by Legislator Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – Carried 3-0.

The Minutes of the January 26, 2004 Committee on Public Works Meeting were amended and approved. Motion by Chair. Young. Second by Leg. Rogowsky. All those in favor – Aye – Carried 3-0.

Chairman Young made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 AM on March 2, 2004. Moved by Leg. Pinto. All those in favor – Aye – Carried 3-0.

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