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MEMBERS: CHAIR: Richard Wishnie, LEGISLATORS: Michael Kaplowiwtz

IN ATTENDANCE: C.E.: Bill Randolph, EMERGENCY SERVICES: Commissioner Tony Sutton, PURCHASE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Albert Mignone, STAFF: Sally Schecter

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Wishnie at 9:25 a.m.

Chairman Wishnie thanked Commissioner Sutton for coming to the meeting. The discussion was centered around B73 – “Technical Rescue Team.” This legislation would expand the list of powers and duties of the Department of Emergency Services to include a provision to establish, maintain and supervise a specialized team to perform technical rescue according to the New York General Municipal Law 209-bb. Since September 11, the County believes there is a need for a specially trained and equipped team to respond in a quick and efficient manner. Since most volunteers live in the county, they would be able to respond within minutes.

Commissioner Sutton has held several meetings with the career and volunteer firefighters trying to resolve the issues between the two groups. There was concern about municipal employees and the extension of insurance coverage. Chairman Wishnie wanted to know if an architect and engineer joined the team, would they be considered a municipal employee.

Legislator Kaplowitz questioned whether adding these volunteers to the municipalities’ insurance would not cost the municipalities more money. Commissioner Sutton does not believe it will. Legislator Kaplowitz also was concerned about the career chiefs not agreeing with this legislation.

Chairman Wishnie has asked the Commissioner to draft a memo and send it to all parties advising them that the Public Safety Committee has addressed their concerns, that we have listened and have made changes with the emphasis on “volunteers.” This would not change the local law. A protocol needs to establish leadership.

Chairman Wishnie asked that the committee receive the language by the next meeting of the Public Safety Committee which will be on April 4 so it can be submitted to the entire board the following week.

The emergency sirens were also discussed. Legislator Kaplowitz mentioned that concerns have been raised about replacing the old sirens. Commissioner Sutton said the sirens are relatively new – the old system has been updated and FEMA has checked them. The problem is that the siren is directed in only one direction and they are looking at other alternatives. There is no back up and if there is a failure with Con Ed, then the system will be crippled. There was some discussion about sensors, if they fail, is there a back up?

Commissioner Sutton said Entergy promised money for a voluntary emergency system. Jim Steets said that the County would have to pay about $400,000 and Entergy would pay the balance. The County spent about $4,000,000 and still has not been reimbursed. Chairman Wishnie suggested that the Commissioner speak to the Administration.

On the motion of Legislator Kaplowitz, seconded by Chairman Wishnie, the minutes of February 24 were approved. On the motion of Legislator Kaplowitz, seconded by Chairman Wishnie , the Bonner report was received and filed. On the motion of Chairman Wishnie, the committee was recessed at 10:05 a.m. to reconvene with the Budget & Appropriation Committee.

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