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MEMBERS: CHAIR: Richard Wishnie, LEGISLATORS: Michael Kaplowitz, Martin Rogowsky

IN ATTENDANCE: Joseph Phelan, DEF; Kevin Ryan, CEO; Bill Randolph, CEO; Andrew Neuman, CEO; Hope Corbin, Intern; Paul Stasaitis, Public Safety; Demosthenes Long, Public Safety; Thomas Belfiore, Public Safety

The meeting was called to order at 9:10 by Chairman Richard Wishnie.

On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz, the minutes of the February 7th meeting were approved.

Bond Act Authorizing the Issuance of $100,000 to finance refurbishment of the County’s armored personnel carrier (BPS11). A new carrier would cost from $500,000 to $1,000,000. It is recommended that the carrier be overhauled every 10 years. Public Safety uses it 2 to 3 times a month. Chairman Wishnie suggested that the Public Safety and Budget & Appropriations Committees be given a demonstration of the carrier and also acquaint them with all types of special equipment that the Public Safety Department is responsible for.

On the motion of Legislator Rogowsky, seconded by Legislator Kaplowitz, the motion was approved by a vote of 3-0.

Commissioner Belfiore then introduced the new deputy commissioner, Demosthenes Long who has been on the job for three weeks. The Commissioner has known Mr. Long for 24 years. They were both police officers in Brooklyn. Mr. Long has a Bachelor’s degree in criminality, a master’s degree and a law degree. Chairman Wishnie commented that it was great to see two professionals running the Public Safety Department.

The Taser gun was then discussed. Capt. Stasaitis showed a video as to the proper use of this weapon. Only supervisors will be trained and will have them for now. The stun gun is a more controversial weapon and is not in circulation now. Capt. Stasaitsis had a taser gun and demonstrated it – there are two darts that can hit a target 21 feet away and can pierce a heavy coat. It also has a laser site. Every time the trigger is pulled, it is recorded as to the date, time and how long the trigger was held. Each cartridge has a serial number and confetti. The police officer has to pick up the confetti to show it was deployed as the confetti has the serial number of the cartridge on it.

Chairman Wishnie asked the Commissioner to update the committee as to what is happening in the department. There are a number of open positions. He is waiting for the new list to come out. Senator Spano has affirmed the $2.6 million for the Parkway police. They re looking at the detective and warrant operations and how to address the backlog in the warrant operations. Chairman Wishnie mentioned that Ardsley is dropping out of Greenburgh’s SWAT operation. The Commissioner said all municipalities can call on the County for help.

At the request of Legislator Kaplowitz, Smart Guns was also brought up. The Federal government was providing money for research but it is no longer forthcoming. However, the program is not being scratched.

A consultant has been chosen for the shooting range in conjunction with DPW. The consultant has a strong background in indoor ranges. They are looking at the cost and what is needed. They are trying to reduce it from the $7,000,000 estimated cost.

Helicopter – a strong pitch has been made to the Federal government for funding assistance. It does not fall under homeland security. They are working with Tony Sutton. The cost is about $4,500,000 fully equipped.

Starting April 4 for 10 weeks there will be a Citizens Police Academy from 6 – 9 p.m. at the training academy, 2 Dana Road. The Commissioner will send out a letter

On the motion of Legislator Michael Kaplowitz, seconded by Legislator Rogowsky, the meeting was adjourned at 10 a.m.

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Richard G. Wishnie

Committee Members
Michael Kaplowitz
Martin Rogowsky
Bernice Spreckman

Sally Schecter

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