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Chairman Astorino called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: CHAIR: Astorino; Legislators: Alvarado, Pinto, Ryan; GUESTS: Office of the County Executive—Bill Randolph

Also present were the members of the Budget and Appropriations Committee.


Without objection the minutes for the February 2, 2004 meeting of the Parks Committee were approved.


Item (not a referral) Hudson Hills management and maintenance contract (from A&C Agendas, 3/11/04 & 3/18/04)

Parks Commissioner Joseph Stout was present to speak about the management and maintenance contracts presently before the Board of Acquisition and Contract. The following main points were made in response to questions posed by the committee:

$2.69 million is allocated for Hudson Hills in the 2004 budget
Commissioner Stout has recommended to the Parks Board that the fees with a park pass should be $65 during the week, $75 during the weekend. This includes cart and GPS yardage system. For a person without a pass he suggested that they pay $85 during the week and $100 on the weekend.
There will be no tax support to the golf course, but only if the course meets its revenue projections from anticipated rounds played.
The current environmental impact statement has capped the number of rounds played per day at 46.

Discussion ended without action.

Item A2. Bond Act—Bronx River Pathway, County Executive: Bond act authorizing the issuance of $332,000 to finance the Bronx River Pathway, BPL11 (referred on March 8, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations)

Design and construction supervision for Harney road in Eastchester and would go to the Scarsdale train station in Scarsdale. Construction should start in 2005.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Ryan, the item was approved by a vote of 3-0.

Item A3. Amended Bond Act—County Center, County Executive: Bond act amending Bond Acts 43-2001 and 43-2002 regarding the County Center (referred on March 8, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations)

Message Board: Antique system run by magnetic lights off of a floppy disk. The request is for $130,000 from the current bond to repair the message board. The money is coming from savings from not having to replace the wooden floor in the main hall of the County Center.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Ryan, the item was approved by a vote of 3-0.


No items were presented to the committee to be received and filed.


On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Ryan and without objection, the committee adjourned.

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