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MINUTES: JUNE 14, 2004

Chairman Astorino called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair: Astorino; Legislators: Pinto, Spreckman; GUESTS: Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation—David DeLucia, John Condon; Office of the County Executive—Andrew Neuman


No minutes were presented for adoption.


The following items were presented for discussion.

Item A12. Amendment of Lease Agreement, County Executive: Local law authorizing the county to amend a lease agreement with continental hosts for the Glen Island Casino (referred on May 10, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations)

Regarding the item, David DeLucia, Parks Department, made a presentation before the committee highlighting the following main points:

· The item is a lease renewal, not a license agreement, and therefore requires a local law approved by the Board of Legislators; any subsequent change thereto must also be made by the Board of Legislators

· The current lease expires in 2007; the term of the lease renewal is ten years (from 2007 to 2017) with one ten year option, which would make the total extension twenty years (from 2007 to 2027)

· Glen Island Casino was required by the original lease to put $1 million of improvements into the facility; to date they have well exceeded that amount, putting over $13.5 million towards extensive improvements

There was significant discussion on the term of the renewal and option. Concerns were raised by Legislator Astorino about adding twenty years onto the existing contract. The administration and Parks Department explained that it was in the county’s best financial interests to operate under a longer term lease rather than a short term one (5 years). In addition the tenant, Glen Island Casino, has proven to be a good match with the county.

Pending a response by the County Attorney regarding additional reservations about the item, action thereon was postponed until the next meeting of the Parks Committee. Discussion on the item ended without action.

Item D1. Bond Act— Croton Point Ball Fields II, County Executive: Bond act authorizing the issuance of up to $200,000 to finance the Croton Point Ball Fields II (recommitted on May 24—originally signed out on May 17; also recommitted to Budget and Appropriations)

The item was originally approved at the Parks Committee meeting on May 17, 2004, but was recommitted at the regular meeting of the full Board of Legislators on May 24, 2004 due to additional questions regarding the project. David DeLucia, Park Department, was present to answer the committees questions which included the following main points:

· The $200,000 cost includes lighting costs associated with future plans to light the little league field on site, which the comfort station will service

· The cost is slightly more than some comfort stations at other county park facilities because of the brick material used in construction—which is required by the building code at Croton Point Park

· Sewer line hookup is 400 feet away from the approved site, which also adds cost

Additionally a recap of the project specifications as presented at the Parks was offered:

· The bond act will finance the construction of a comfort station facility at the Croton Point ball field complex

· The comfort station is needed at the ball field complex since the closest comfort station is over 2,000 feet away

· Cost for the design is included in the bond act as is some related site work

· The structure is a brick building, the design of which was made similar to other existing and proposed county facilities of this type

· Construction will include plumbing work that involves connection to water and sewer lines, as well as electrical work for lighting and heating

· The facility will be open for use to everyone, not just the Croton Little League, but it will not be open 24 hours a day. It will be managed in the same manner as the other facilities in the park in terms of hours of operation

· The facility will be cleaned every day the park is in operation

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Spreckman, the item was approved by a vote of 3-0.


There were no items presented before the committee to receive and file.


On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Spreckman and without objection, the committee was adjourned.

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