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Chairman Astorino called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair: Astorino; Legislators: Alvarado, Pinto, Ryan; GUESTS: Department of Planning—Commissioner Gerry Mulligan; Department of Public Works—Commissioner Ralph Butler; Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation—David DeLucia, Dan Greenfield, Deputy Commissioner Joe Montalto; Office of the County Executive—Andrew Neuman, Bill Randolph


Without objection, the minutes for the Parks Committee meetings held on June 7, 2004, June 14, 2004 and July 12, 2004 were adopted as amended.


The following items were presented for discussion.

Item D2. Bond Act—Playland Dragon Coaster, County Executive: Bond act authorizing the issuance of up to $1,250,000 to finance the restoration of the Dragon Coaster at Playland Park (referred on March 22, 2004 to Parks and Recreation and to Budget and Appropriation; signed out July 12, 2004; recommitted to Parks and Recreation only at July 12 regular Board meeting)

Playland Commissioner Joseph Montalto provided testimony nearly identical to that given by Commissioner Butler at the Parks Committee meeting on May 17, 2004, urging action on the item because of time concerns. Those concerns were summated in the following main points:

· Roughly $300,000 of the bond act will fund structural wood replacement with the balance to fund the painting of the structure

· Very little of the paint portion of the project will include lead abatement as approximately 90% of the lead abatement was completed in 1995, the last time the structure was painted

· There are two timing concerns with the project: 1) construction for Playland projects need to begin shortly after Labor Day when the park closes or else the work, in order to be completed, must be performed the following off season, and 2) cost for wood materials may escalate according to CPI’s

· There is presently no safety issue regarding the project, structurally or otherwise, however based on the rate of wood deterioration there could be a safety issue in another year or two if the work is not completed

· Painting and wood replacement work on the Dragon Coaster has occurred at approximately ten year intervals for the last several decades

On the motion of Legislator Alvarado, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item was approved by a 3-1 vote with Legislators Alvarado, Pinto and Ryan voting in the affirmative and Legislator Astorino voting in the negative.

Item A6. Capital Budget Amendment—Hilltop Hanover, County Executive: Act amending the 2004 Capital Budget to include renovations at Hilltop Hanover (referred on March 22, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations)

Item A7. Bond Act— Hilltop Hanover, County Executive: Bond act authorizing the issuance of up to $900,000 to finance the restoration of Hilltop Hanover Conservation and Natural Resource Center (referred on March 22, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations)

Regarding the two Hilltop Hanover items, the following information was presented by Planning Commissioner Gerry Mulligan:

The original capital plan was to expend $100,000 on renovations to the building during 2004 and an additional $800,000 in 2005
Due to the advanced state of deterioration of the building the capital plan was upgraded to expend all $900,000 during 2004

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Alvarado, both items were approved by a vote of 3-0, with Legislator Ryan out for the vote.

Item A10. Bond Act—Lasdon Maintenance Facility, County Executive: Bond act authorizing the issuance of up to $315,000 to finance Lasdon Maintenance Facility (referred on April 13, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations and Public Works)

Regarding the Lasdon Maintenance Facility, Public Works Commissioner Butler presented the following information to the committee:

The existing maintenance facility is under the main house and is inadequate to house the existing maintenance equipment
The new facility is roughly 300,000 sq. ft. in total, and is proposed to house over $250,000 in equipment

On the motion of Legislator Astorino, seconded by Legislator Alvarado, the item was approved by a vote of 3-0, with Legislator Ryan out for the vote.

Item A13. Bond Act—Putnam Right-of-Way/South Co. Trailway, County Executive: Bond act authorizing the issuance of $145,000 in bonds to finance Putnam Right-of-Way/South County Trailway (referred on May 10, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations)

Regarding the trailway item, Commissioner Mulligan presented the multiple environmental benefits of the continuation of the South County Trailway. On the motion of Legislator Alvarado, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the item was approved by a vote of 3-0, with Legislator Ryan out for the vote.

Item A15. Bond Act—County Firing Range, County Executive: Act authorizing the issuance of $400,000 in bonds to finance the new county firing range (referred on May 10, 2004; also referred to Budget and Appropriations and Public Safety)

Regarding the item, Public Works Commissioner Ralph Butler made a presentation before the committee. The act would authorize $400,000 in bonds to fund the cost for the design of a new firing range to train law enforcement/public safety personnel. A new range facility is necessary in order for the Department to fulfill the ever-increasing need for a suitable facility to train new recruits and satisfy NYS mandated re-qualification of law enforcement/public safety personnel.

Officers are currently only being trained for proficiency, it is hoped the new facility will allow for more intensive additional training reducing the number of shootings and the chance of litigation resulting from them. Police related shootings average $2.5 million per incident. The new facility has to meet OSHA standards. Annual operating costs of the facility will average $500,000 to $760,000, this includes the salaries for 2-4 training officers and one maintenance worker.

On the motion of Legislator Pinto, seconded by Legislator Ryan, the item was approved by a vote of 4-0.


There were no items presented before the committee to receive and file.


On the motion of Legislator Alvarado, seconded by Legislator Pinto and without objection, the committee was adjourned.

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