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MINUTES: September 26, 2005

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Pinto, Myers, Bronz, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan

TRANSPORTATION MEMBERS: Chair: Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Spreckman, Ryan

HEALTH MEMBERS: Chair: Stewart-Cousins; Legislators: Abinanti, Alvarado, Myers, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B.Randolph; CA: B.McGrath, E.Cipollo; WCDOT:H.Stanton; DOH: C. Archbald; BOL: S. Bass, M. Amodio, P. Ochacher; Guests: A. Newburger, R. MacLaughlin, M. Davies

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:11 p.m.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Transportation was called to order at 1:11 p.m.

(Pinto, Myers) move for the Committee on Legislation (Spreckman, Abinanti) move for the Committee on Transportation to approve the lease agreement with Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation.

Sal Carrera, Director of Economic Development discussed the details of the agreement for space at the Westchester County Airport which is currently leased to Jet Equity. Some legislators expressed concern about an increase of use at the County Airport. Mr. Carrera stated this is not an expansion of use. It is a lateral transfer of what is currently going on at the airport. Piedmont would need to increase hangar space if they want to put in more airplanes. Any increase must come back before the Legislators for approval.

Motion passed Committee on Legislation 6-0 (Abinanti without prejudice). Motion passed Committee on Transportation 3-0 (Abinanti without prejudice).

At request of Chairman Rogowsky the Committee on Legislation will recess at 1:25 p.m. until to 2:15 p.m.

(Spreckman, TJA) move to adjourn The Committee on Transportation Motion passed 3-0. Committee on Transportation adjourned at 1:25 p.m.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Health was called to order at 1:45 p.m.

The Committee on Legislation was out of recess at 1:45 p.m.

Discussion occurred regarding what language should go into legislation regulating tanning salons.

Dermatologist Dr. Amy Newburger spoke about the damage to young people’s skin, the problems with the frequent tanning and the impact on different types of skin. The tanning industry has targeted younger people and encourages people to tan three times a week. The Dr. thought it would be reasonable to make an exception for medical reasons. She supports mandating a warning sign, offering free protective eyewear for customers, an accessible switch to terminate tanning, interior temperature permit and requiring a report of tanning injury. There was discussion about what age would be appropriate to prohibit tanning and whether to include some form of parental consent for young people. They also talked about whether to include some language requiring training for tanning operators.

The committee’s will have a future discussion to decide which options they want to include in draft legislation for tanning regulation.

(Myers, Ryan) Move to adjourn the Committee on Health.
The Committee on Health adjourned at 2:19 p.m.

Mark Davies the Executive Director of the New York City Conflicts of Interest Board discussed the requirements for Financial Disclosure for people who serve on voluntary boards and commissions. He spoke about what the minimum and proper legal requirements are. Westchester needs to try to find a way to decide which boards would fill out a short disclosure form and which would fill out a full form. They discussed making the long form shorter by changing the language in it. The purpose of the form is to disclose conflict of interest and for volunteers to avoid any conflicts. We have lost many people and are unable to get qualified volunteers. We may want to include spouses and children. Decisions need to be made about how to change our ethics form.

It may be important to note that just because something is not listed on the form does not mean somebody body is incompliance with the Ethics Code. We may also want to include what other governmental boards or agencies an individual serves on.

The County Attorney was directed to draft the revised Financial Disclosure Form as proposed. At a future meeting the Chair will invite the County Ethics Board to get their prospective on the proposed reform. We will discuss which boards and agencies will use the long form.

Chairman Rogowsky expressed his appreciation to Mark Davies for all his work.

(Bronz, Myers) Move to adjourn the Committee on Legislation. Motion passed The Committee on Legislation adjourned at 3:30 p.m.

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