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MINUTES: September 12, 2005

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Oros, Pinto, Myers, Bronz, Burrows, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan

HOUSING MEMBERS: Chair: Bronz; LaMotte, Ryan

PUBLIC SAFETY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE MEMBERS: Chair:Kaplowitz;Legislators:Rogowsky, Spreckman, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph; CA: B. McGrath, E. Cipollo; COCLRK: E. Brady; WOMEN: C. Murphy; HRC: D. Brathwaite; BOL: S. Bass, M. Amodio, B. Desoye; Guests: M. Gerone, K. Cheeks-Lomax, J. Domonkos, J. DeMaria, M. Bruni, P. Sementa, P. Millor, M. Harris

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:25 p.m.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Housing was called to order at 1:32 p.m.

With a quorum present the Committee on Public Safety and Criminal Justice was called to order at 1:28 p.m.

(Stewart-Cousins, Myers) move for Committee on Legislation (Rogowsky, Kaplowitz) move for Committee on Public Safety, (Pinto, Alvarado) move for Committee on Housing to prohibit discriminatory practices against victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and stalking in housing and employment.

Motion passed Committee on Legislation 8-0, Motion passed Committee on Public Safety and Criminal Justice 4-0, Motion passed Committee on Housing 3-0.

(Rogowsky, Spreckman) Motion to adjourn Committee on Public Safety, Motion passed 4-0. Committee on Public Safety Adjourned at 1:50 PM.

(Pinto, Alvarado) Motion to receive and file in the Housing Committee items 16,18,20,30,31,31a,31b,32. Motion passed 3-0.

(Pinto Alvarado) Motion to adjourn the Committee on Housing. Motion passed 3-0. The Committee on Housing adjourned at 1:53.

Chair Rogowsky called Legislation Committee meeting to recess until 2:30. Legislation stood at recess at 1:53.

The Committee on Legislation was out of recess at 2:45.

Plumbing Licensing Law-
Chair Rogowsky stated the three issues he thought the committee needed to consider. Whether to rescind or amend Plumbing Licensing Board rule 10, whether to add a member to the Plumbing Board to make it an odd number of people, whether plumbers after five years have to pay a fee and take a test to become journeymen.

There are currently ten members of the Plumbing Board. Do we want to make it an odd number? Legislator Pinto raised the question of whether we need to go to referendum to change the number of people on the Plumbing Licensing Board. He recalled that was the case for the Parks Board. Chair Rogowsky asked that issue be looked into.

There was a conversation about the testing for plumbers to become journeymen. Some legislators believed the current law for the plumbers wasn’t fair. There are different standards for electricians. We should try to create some parity for plumbers.

Discussion occurred about whether to rescind or amend rule 10. The intent and purpose of one to one ratio was debated. Chair Rogowsky stated he didn’t believe when the Legislature set up the Licensing Board that the intent was to create an apprenticeship program. Legislator Stewart-Cousins said the principal purpose of it was to set a uniform standard to obtain a license.

The consensus of the Committee was for Chair Rogowsky to ask the County Attorney to find out what the committee’s options are. The Chair will try to attend a meeting of The Plumbing Licensing Board and speak with them about how Rule 10 is effective.

(Pinto, Myers) move to approve the minutes of August 8, 2005. Minutes approved 7-0.

Michael Harris addressed the lack of uniformity in the current law for picking up handicapped passengers who need a taxi cab. Bronxville is the only community with taxis that accommodate wheelchairs. But they cannot pick up outside Bronxville.

Taxi and Limousine Commissioner, Barbara Monahan stated that the Commission along with officials from the Office for the Disabled met with eight White Plains taxi companies to discuss these concerns. There is a pilot program to let taxi companies know what there rights and responsibilities are. Eight taxi companies attended the meeting. This provided gave them a better understanding of disabled needs. She will take this program to other communities. The taxi companies wanted help to know how to accommodate community needs. Ms. Monahan felt the taxi companies were cooperative.

New York City has very effective provisions - mini vans with lifts are used. These are universal vehicles. NYC taxi companies have specially equipped vehicles and are required to provide those if requested. Plus there are back up companies if these vehicles are not available. The NYC taxi companies are required to pay the difference if cost is higher. But the Westchester County law does not permit enforcement as the NYC law does.

Federal tax credits and reimbursements are available for handicapped accessible vehicles. Westchester County does not own Para transit vehicles. There was a request to check that fact with Transportation Commissioner Larry Salley.

A future meeting will be held with Comm. Salley, Westchester Disabled on the Move, Office for the Disabled, Andrew Salkin (asalkin@tlc.nyc.gov) or Eric Kim (ekim@tld.nyc.gov) to listen to all the details and possibilities of transportation.

Abinanti moved to adjourn the Legislation Committee. Motion passed 5-0. The committee adjourned at 4:10 P.M.

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