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MINUTES: October 3, 2005

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Rogowsky; Legislators: Pinto, Bronz, Stewart-Cousins, Oros, Burrows, Abinanti

HEALTH MEMBERS: Chair: Stewart-Cousins; Legislators: Alvarado, Oros, Abinanti

TRANSPORTATION MEMBERS: Chair: Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; CA: S. Gerry, M.L. Nicolas-Brewster, E. Cipollo; BOL: S. Bass, M. Amodio: DOT: L. Salley Guests: L. Jones

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:10 p.m.

(Bronz, Pinto) move to approve minutes of September 12, 2005. Motion to approve the Minutes as amended passed 6-0.

With a quorum present, the Committee on Transportation was called to order at 1:20 p.m.

Transportation Commissioner Larry Salley discussed with the Committee the County Airport terminal use procedures. He talked about what some of the security requirements are. Airlines can be grandfathered in, so there is a desire to expedite this manner.

(Bronz,Pinto) move for the Committee on Legislation, (Abinanti, Rogowsky) move for the Committee on Transportation that the Airport Procedures apply to all aviation passenger services which operate out of the County Airport pursuant to which seats are individually offered or sold to the public, regardless of the frequency of such offers or sales. Very small passanger aircraft with 9 or seats or less can continue to use general aviation facilities.

(Abinanti, Rogowsky) Move for Committee on Transportation to adjourn. Motion passed 2-0. Committee on Transportation adjourned at 1:29 pm

With a quorum present, the Committee on Health was called to order at 1:30 pm.

The New York State Legislature has not passed anything but does have legislation pending. Nassau, Suffolk and Rockland counties have passed some regulations. New York City is currently considering a bill.

The Committee’s reviewed the various options of how best for Westchester to regulate Tanning Salons. They considered prohibiting children under a certain age from going to tanning facilities. Many legislators expressed interest in requiring a warning sign be posted in a highly visible location. They discussed if it was appropriate to require children of a certain age to obtain parental permission to tan. There was also some debate about whether to provide all customers written health warnings which they can sign off on.

Legislator Oros stated he has not gotten many requests from constituents to regulate tanning salons. He believes the committee can be taking up more pressing issues. Lillian Jones of the American Cancer Society explained that there needs to be more awareness and education provided to people about the dangers of using tanning salons.

The County Attorney’s office was asked to draft legislation. They should include:
-Ban 14 and under.
-Under 18 permission from a parent or guardian. With optional paragraphs on either just having a form signed or requiring parents to be at the facility with the child to give permission. Look into an exception for somebody who is over 17 and emancipated.
-Signage notifying customers of the dangers of tanning.
-Find out which department should do the enforcement.

They discussed the health interests and if licensing is necessary. Can or should we require wiping down machines or does New York State handle it? When we receive the draft legislation the Department of Health will attend a future meeting and discuss it with the Committee’s.

Chairman Rogowsky asked to research whether the County Health Department or the Consumer Affairs Office would enforce the law. There were also requests to find out if Rockland licenses tanning facilities and to check with the Health Department to see if they have a county interest in regulating

(Abinanti, Oros) Move to adjourn the Legislation Committee. Motion passed 6-0. The committee adjourned at 2:08 P.M.

(Abinanti, Oros) Move to adjourn the Committee on Health. Motion passed 4-0. The committee adjourned at 2:08 P.M.

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