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MINUTES: October 24, 2005

LEGISLATION MEMBERS: Chair: Rogowsky; Legislators: Pinto, Bronz, Burrows, Stewart-Cousins, Abinanti,

IN ATTENDANCE: CEO: B. Randolph, A. Neuman; CA: B. McGrath, E. Cipollo; BOL: S. Bass, P. Ochacher, M. Amodio; Guests: J. Cohen, R. MacLaughlin

With a quorum present, the Committee on Legislation was called to order at 1:10 p.m.

Legislator Abinanti discussed his legislation to ban the use of social security numbers except in a payroll situation. For both county and private employers. Our own Health insurer is insisting on using social security numbers as a way to identify employees. The second piece of legislation holds the businesses responsible if they become involved in the theft of somebody’s Identification. This bill requires employers to reimburse there employees if they end up being victims of Identity Theft because of their businesses practices.

There was some discussion about how the county can fill in the gaps which state and federal laws are not covering. They may allow certain places to ask for Social Security numbers. How do we deal with companies who operate both in and outside of Westchester County.

If the Committee wants to cover Westchester County first we can convert this legislation to an act. Rogowsky asked the County Attorney’s office to draft legislation which would prevent the county from using social security numbers. Next year we can discuss about expanding it to include other places. We need to consider whether we want to include those we entire into contracts with.

Jeff Cohen, Chairman of the Westchester County Ethics Board said the Ethics Board discussed the legislation. They believe that only voluntary policy making boards should fill out financial disclosure statements. Chairman Rogowsky asked the Clerk of the Board of Legislators, Perry Ochacher to find out which boards are currently required to fill out financial disclosure statements. The ethics code needs to be amended to include the list of boards which will be required to fill out disclosure forms. There was discussion about the timing period of when the disclosure needs to be filled out. There maybe additional comments from the Ethics Board.

This is a local law which will amend the charter and may require a referendum. Mr. Rogowsky asked a memo be sent to the County Attorney to find out if a local law and referendum are necessary. Chairman Rogowsky asked that the changes in the existing law be identified so changes can be made to this legislation. The Chair will work with staff to have a piece of legislation before us for consideration at our next discussion. We hope to conclude this by years end.

(Pinto, Stewart-Cousins) Move to adjourn The Committee on Legislation. Motion passed 7-0. Committee adjourned at 2:01 pm.

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