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MINUTES: May 23, 2005

MEMBERS: Legislation Chair: Martin Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Myers, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Bronz, Oros, Burrows, Ryan.

Environment: Chair: Abianti; Legislators: Myers, Rogowsky, Stewart-Cousins, Ryan.

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Davis, CEO: A. Neuman, K. Ryan, K.Pasquale; LAW: Liz Cipollo, Brendan McCgrath; LWV Rosemary McLaughlin;

The Legislation Committee was called to order at 1:10 p.m.

Chair Rogowsky introduced the two Home Rule requests. Motion by Legislator Vito Pinto to approve the home rule request to alter disability criteria for DA’s office investigators, with a 2nd by Legislator Abinanti.

Legislator Pinto made a motion to approve the for request to alter the pension plans of corrections officers, 2nd by Legislator Abinanti motion carries.

Chair Rogowsky introduced the Health Air Task Force legislation.

The Committee on Environment was called to order at 1:16.

Following breif discussion on the Healthy Air Task Force Legislation Legislator Myers made a motion to entertain Healthy Air Task Force for public hearing, 2nd by Legislator Bronz. A Motion was made by Legislator Stewart-Cousins on behalf of the Legislation Commitee by Legislator, 2nd by Legislator Pinto, to approve the Healthy Air Task Force Legislation for a public hearing.

Chair Abinanti introduced an act to enter into an agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers to clean-up David’s Island. Legislator Myers explained that a government grant would allow the Army Corps of Engineers to survey David’s Island and begin the clean-up process. This agreement would allow the County to have a say on what they would like done on the island, and what buildings we deem historically significant. Legislator Myers made a motion to approve this legislation on behalf of the Environment Committee 2nd by Legislator Pinto, all in favor.

Chair Abinanti introduced a resolution on behalf of the Environment Commitee in support of requiring nuclear power plant operators to reimburse local government for emergency response. The reolutionw as moved by Legislator Ryan, 2nd by Legislator Rogowsky. The item passed.

Chair Abinanti asked the Environment Committee for a vote of support for a resolution that would require zone price regulation on gasoline prices. The item was referred to Legislation Committee for further review.

Chair Abinanti introduced a local law regarding cell phone recycling. The committees recognized Andrew Neuman of the Office of the County Executive and Brendan McGrath of the County Attorney’s Office who discussed the details of the recycling legislation.

A motion was made by Motion Legislator Pinto to set the Cell Phone Recycling legislation out for public hearing, 2nd by Stewart-Cousins. Measure was set out for a public hearing by the Legislation Commitee. Legislator Myers moved the same item be set out for public hearing by the Environemnt Committee, 2nd by Legislator Ryan.

The Committee on Environment recessed.

Legislators Pinto moves to adjourn the Legislation Committee, 2nd by Legislator Stewart-Cousins. Legislation Committee Adjourned 1:34

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