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MEMBERS: Chair: Marty Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Latimer, Mosiello, Oros, Pinto, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Ettere; CEO: Andrew Neuman, Ian Riley; LAW: Liz Cipollo, Tom Gardiner, Linda Trentacoste; CONS. PROTECTION: Elaine Price; LWV: Rosemary MacLaughlin; NYS Turf & Lands. Assn: Joseph D. Tinelli, Dennis Lucente, M. Bellantoni

The meeting was called to order at 1:16 p.m.

Item # 3 – Home Improvement Contractor Decal

Item # 3 is a proposed Local Law the would amend Article XVI of the Westchester County Consumer Protection Code to require that all motor vehicles operated by home improvement contractors in the course of their business display a decal issued by the Sealer as well as the contractor’s name and address.

Members of the NYS Turf and Landscape Association were present. They added their support as the landscaping/gardening business seems to hold the highest ratio of unlicensed contractors.

Director Elaine Price, Department of Consumer Protection, stated that this legislation was originated from the many complaints that the Department received regarding unlicensed landscapers/gardeners.

The Committee members agreed to make revisions to the legislation. Major revisions included deleting the requirement that vehicles used by all types of home improvement contractors display a decal; amending the requirement for the display of a name and address on all home improvement contractor vehicles be only mandated for vehicles operated by landscapers and gardeners and changing the lettering/numbering size requirement from 3 inches in height to requiring that such information be legible and visible from a distance of 50 feet. Another concern expressed related to the price attached to having to display decals on all business vehicles which could become expensive and may ultimately hurt a small business owner.

The Committee agreed to further discuss this item, as amended, at the next meeting (3/29/04).


Legislator Rogowsky re-introduced a resolution that was passed unanimously by the Board in December 2002. The resolution calls upon the Governor and the State Legislature to make fundamental structural reform to the financing of the Medicaid program and provide real property taxpayers with relief by capping the local share of Medicaid at the 2003 base levels.

As Chair, Legislator Rogowsky placed the item directly into Committee. The resolution has been updated to reflect current Medicaid costs. Legislator Rogowsky stated that he would like to keep the public informed on the rising Medicaid costs and how it is affecting Westchester County. He further stated that he would like the Committee to sign out this resolution on a bi-weekly basis.

On motion of Legislator Abinanti, seconded by Legislator Pinto, the resolution was approved by a vote of 5-0.

On motion of Legislator Abinanti, seconded by Legislator Latimer the meeting was adjourned at 2:31 p.m.

Item #10 – Medicaid Reform

Item # 10 is a resolution proposed by Legislator Ursula LaMotte which commends the Governor and the New York State Senate Medicaid Reform Task Force for their Medicaid reform proposals targeted at relieving local governments and their taxpayers of burdensome local cost shares. The resolution specifically endorses and calls for the swift passage of its proposed Medicaid reform measures that would allow for a New York State takeover of all local costs associated with Family Health Plus.

There was a discussion. Members expressed concern with some of the language. Legislator Rogowsky suggested that Legislator LaMotte sit down with the Sub-Committee on Unfunded Mandates/Federal & State Revenues and work out language that would be agreeable to the majority of the Legislature.

On motion of Legislator Abinanti, seconded by Legislator Latimer the meeting was adjourned

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