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MEMBERS: Chair: Martin Rogowsky; Legislators: Pinto, Stewart-Cousins, Abinanti, Bronz, Ryan

IN ATTENDANCE BOL: Michael Davis; CE: Andrew Neuman

Chair Rogowsky calls the meeting to order at 1:13

Chair Rogowsky explains the opinion rendered by the Law Department regarding the Pesticide Notification Amendment.

Motion made to sign out the pesticide amendment made by Legislator Stewart-Cousins, and a second was made by Legislator Pinto.

Motion passes 6-0

Discussion on two resolutions to be proposed at the NACo conference by Legislator Abinanti.

Motion made by Legislator Pinto to support resolution on Reducing Health Care Costs Through Prevention, second made by Legislator Stewart-Cousins. Motion carries 6-0

Motion made by Legislator Pinto to support resolution on Reducing Health Care Disparities, second made by Legislator Stewart-Cousins. Motion carries 6-0

Motion to adopt minutes of February 14 made by Legislator Stewart- Cousins, second made by Legislator Pinto. Motion Carries 6-0

Motion to adjourn by Legislator Pinto

Meeting Adjourned 1:27

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