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MEMBERS: Chair: Martin Rogowsky; Legislators: Pinto, Myers, Oros

IN ATTENDANCE[ams91] \IN INNNNNNIUIN BOL: Michael Davis; CE: Andrew Neuman, Bill Randolph; LAW: Liz Ciappoli, Brendan McGrath

Chair Rogowsky called the meeting to order at 1:15

Chair Rogowsky introduced issue of signing out Medicaid resolution in accord with Inter Governmental Relations committee.

Chair Rogwosky began discussions on tax preparer law amendment regarding CPA’s and attorneys.

Chair Rogowsky recognized Brendan McGrath from the Law Department to discuss the issue.

Brendan outlined the safeguards the state has regarding holding attorneys and CPA’s responsible for contact information and the giving of a consumer’s bill of rights. Brendan explained that the original purpose of the law was to protect the public from any unregulated tax preparers, while attorneys and CPA’s were exempted because there was already sufficient regulation for those groups.

After a brief discussion it was decided that removing the exemption for attorneys and CPA’s would be duplicative and would subject the law to duplicative regulation. However, it would be beneficial to look at the law as it is enacted during tax season.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:36

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