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Joint w/ Committee on Environment

MINUTES: January 4, 2005

MEMBERS: Chair: Martin Rogowsky; Legislators: Abinanti, Bronz, Oros, Pinto, Stewart-Cousins.

ENV MEMBERS: Chair: Tom Abinanti; Legislators: Kaplowitz, LaMotte, Rogowsky.

IN ATTENDANCE: BOL: Ettere, Davis, Bernard; CEO: A. Neuman, K. Ryan, B. Randolph; LAW: B. McGrath; DEF: J. Hogan; HEALTH: F. Guido; LWV: S. Goodwin.

Both committees were called to order at 1:30 p.m.

Item # 73 – Pesticide Notification

Item # 73 is a memorandum in support of an amendment of the Pesticide Notification Law from Legislator Rogowsky. This amendment would close an apparent loophole in the statute, though it provides a requirement of notice to tenants of adjacent properties, it does not mandate for self notice by a property owner or managing agent or owner’s agent to their own tenants.

There was some discussion. The members agreed to pursue the amendment and subsequently referred this item for interpretation and review to the Law department.

Item # 57 – Disposal of Cell Phones

Item # 57 is a proposed local law regarding the disposal and source separation of cellular telephones. This is the third discussion on this item.

Since the last meeting (11/8/04) the Administration announced that they would be working with Verizon in their “HopeLine” program by collecting old cell phones in County-provided recycling bins throughout the County. Proceeds from the phones collected will be used to fund a local domestic violence shelter and to purchase phone for victims.

The Administration also amended the local law by eliminating the take back mandate portion. They felt that since most of the major wireless phone companies were already voluntarily taking the phones back that it was not necessary to force them to do so.

Some legislators expressed concerns regarding the necessity to pass legislation prohibiting the disposal of cell phones in the main waste stream. Some also noted that it would be un-enforceable and that the Administration should focus establishing and promoting an ongoing educational campaign to inform the public about the hazards of improper disposal and notify them of proper disposal methods and locations.

A lengthy discussion was held. Members suggested that representatives from the major wireless phone companies along with Elaine Price, Director of Consumer Protection, be invited to the next discussion.

Both committees adjourned at 2:25 p.m.

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